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  • Elisabetta
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    I tried to download bp-profile-search.pot but it can’t be installed. “PCLZIP_ERR_BAD_FORMAT (-10) : Unable to find End of Central Dir Record signature”
    What’s the problem?

    Themosaurus Support
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    Hi @calliopes93,

    When you say:

    I tried to download bp-profile-search.pot but it can’t be installed.

    Could you tell more? What exactly did you try to do? Did you upload your POT file into WordPress or did you try to open it with Poedit to create your translation files?

    Thank you.

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    I uploaded my POT file into wordpress. Did I wrong?

    Themosaurus Support
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    Hi @calliopes93,

    Unfortunately, this file cannot be uploaded with your WP dashboard.

    It needs to be translated with Poedit and converted into a and bp-profile-search-en_US.po file that you will place in the wp-content/languages/plugins directory of your site. I suggest using your favorite FTP client to access your server and drop those files.

    For other languages than English, please replace en_US from the file name by the language code of your choice, for instance fr_FR for french.

    For more about Poedit, please read the following posts:

    How to translate a WordPress theme (or plugin): Poedit


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    I followed your instruction and I got it. Now can you tell me how to select the translated fields step by step?
    I’m sorry, I’m not very good in informatic stuff.

    Themosaurus Support
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    Hi @calliopes93,

    No worries! No need to be a computer scientist to translate a website! ?

    What do you mean by:

    Now can you tell me how to select the translated fields step by step?

    Please be very specific as it makes it easier for me to help you. Could you provide us with screenshots of your website or your Poedit screens please? Please don’t hesitate to comment or highlight your screenshots to help me better understand your issue.

    Best regards,

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    First of all, thanks!
    I mean: I followed your instructions (image 1 and 2). Now, I’m creating a dating site and I want to put a form in the home page connected whit the directory of all members, something like that:
    “I’m looking for: (a man/a woman)
    From: (select a age) to: (select a age)
    I’m looking for: (vegetarian/vegan/omnivore)
    City: (Select a city) – (select an area)

    But I need to create specific field that are not present. In italian.
    Can you tell me this? I mean: how to create a new field in my language?
    I hope this is clear enough.

    Themosaurus Support
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    Hi @calliopes93,

    You’re welcome! ?

    So first of all, you need to translate the entire file. From the screenshot I see, you still have to translate some strings from BP Profile Search.

    Then, you need to put your files in the correct directory. I’ve seen that you managed to upload them using your FTP client but those don’t have the correct names and there in the wrong place.
    Once translated with Poedit and converted into a and bp-profile-search-it_IT.po file, you have to place them in the wp-content/languages/plugins directory of your site.

    Before showing you how to create the extra profile fields, could please confirm me that these steps have been done?
    Please make sure to check if you see those changes when visiting either your website or your WP admin.

    Thank you.

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    I have a question before: do I need the PRO version of Poedit to do all these things?

    Themosaurus Support
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    Hi @calliopes93,

    No, you don’t. The free version should work fine.


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    I should have done right.
    In this way? (IMG 1)

    Themosaurus Support
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    Hi @calliopes93,

    Yes, that should work. Everything seems to be set properly.


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    Now that I followed your instructions correctly, I’m creating a dating site and I want to put a form in the home page connected whit the directory of all members, something like that:
    “I’m looking for: (a man/a woman)
    From: (select a age) to: (select a age)
    I’m looking for: (vegetarian/vegan/omnivore)
    City: (Select a city) – (select an area)

    But I need to create specific field that are not present. In italian.
    Can you tell me this? I mean: how to create a new field in my language?

    Themosaurus Support
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    Hi @calliopes93,

    First, you need to create these extra fields for your users. To do so, please extend the BuddyPress member profile by following these guidelines:

    User Extended Profiles

    When testing and building your website, always make sure to add dummy data for your newly created fields for your already registered users. If those values are left empty, no results will be displayed on your member directory when attempting to search with the new criteria.

    As you already know, we use BP Profile Search ( to showcase the profile search feature on our demos.
    You can edit the homepage and/or directory search form by visiting “Users > Profile Search” in your dashboard, where you will find every existing profile search forms. Just add the new fields to your homepage and/or directory search form and click “Save”.

    To learn more about BP Profile Search forms, please read also the following posts:

    Add new fields to homepage search form

    My profile search form seems to be broken


Roboraptor 🦖
Themosaurus Topic Closer

Hi there,

This topic has been inactive for a while now so we will be closing it to keep the forum tidy. Don't hesitate to create a new topic if you still need help and we'll be glad to help you!

Best regards,
The Themosaurus team.

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