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Css and GeoMyWp

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  • Fabien00
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    I want to set up on my site a localization to the recording and a system of research.
    It’s not easy with your theme I may have been wrong with the purchase.

    I just tested GeoMyWp and I want to know if it is possible to modify the css with gwangi.

    I get this on the map for example (view the photo)
    it’s not very clean.
    There are things that change with GeoMyWp but for example who is surrounded how to modify it?

    Thank you

    Themosaurus Support
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    Hi @fabien00,

    Thank you for your great feedback.

    We’re planning on updating the theme in a future version to support GeoMyWP. Currently, it’s scheduled for v 2.0.1 as well as the support of other geolocation plugins. As we’re aiming to release v 2.0.0 in the coming weeks, this feature will be added to our schedule directly after.

    You can rest assured that it will added to the theme ASAP.

    In the meantime, I’ll move your topic to the feature requests forum. That way, other users will be able to follow along the replies concerning this great feature.

    Thank you very much for contributing to Gwangi!


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    Yes excuse me if I misplaced the topics in the forum. I am French and I speak very little English so it is difficult for me to understand something.

    Regarding the update no problem. Concerning the delay take your time but do good;)

    Thank you!

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    Hi @fabien00,

    No worries! 🙂


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    I want to add a comment with the geomywp plugin

    I see that there is a bug.
    A widget “that is online” Buddypress, will work on all pages, except on the pages where I use Geomywp while the widget displays all connected, I think there is a conflict, ….

    I wanted to keep you informed.


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    and worries about positioning certain fields, example (see photo)

    • 16 Topics
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    Hi Olivier

    V 2.0.0 is released, do you have any idea when GEO MY WP will be supported in Gwangi ?
    I have requested a quote to Eyal Fitoussi (dev of GEO my WP) to adapt Gwangi, if you are already planing to do it in next few weeks, I will stop my request to him



    Themosaurus Support
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    Hi @johan,

    The support for geolocation plugins is our new priority for Gwangi. However, please note that the support for Geo My WP is included in the same version as other similar plugins and it might take some time before we release it.

    Given our current schedule, I cannot guarantee that this task will be closed in the next few weeks.

    We’ll keep you updated.


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    Hi @themosaurusrex

    Gwangi 2.2 includes compatibility with Philopress geolocation (BP Maps for Members)

    Do you still plan to make compatibility with GeoMyWP or did you choose to make Gwangi compatible only with Philopress ?



    Themosaurus Support
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    Hi @johan,

    We’ve changed our plans since my last reply. As the support for geolocation was taking too much time, we’ve chosen to keep updating our theme to provide bug fixes. We’ve also chosen to release version 2.2 with support for BP Maps for Members as other Philopress plugins (BP Profile Search and BP XProfile Location) were already supported by our theme.

    The support for Geo My WP is still into works and will be release ASAP. However the support for other geolocation systems such as GeoDirectory will not be included.

    We’ll keep updated as soon as it is released.


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    Hi @themosaurusrex

    That’s good news !
    Geo My WP is the most advanced geolocation plugin so that’s great Gwangi will support it.
    Philopress is simpler and easier but do not match my needs

    Concerning Geo My WP, there is a premium Settings extension including Radius/Distance slider in font end search form
    Wil you also make compatible this features or only stick to basic options form Geomywp ?

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    Hi @johan,

    Thank you for sharing this insight with us.

    Our plan is to support both free and premium version the best we can. We’ll make our best effort to prevent premium controls like this radius slider from breaking the design. However, we will probably not change its default behavior.


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    Hi Fabien and Johan,

    You will be happy to know that this feature is currently under development by our team.

    If it’s not the case, don’t hesitate to subscribe this topic to be aware as soon as the next update with this feature will be released.

    We thank you for your patience and your contribution to our theme.


    Themosaurus Support
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    Hi everyone,

    We recently released a new version of your theme, we’ve also issued Grimlock for GEO my WP. You should see the invite to download this new plugin once you’ll have GEO my WP installed and activated. Please make sure to install this new plugin and then update your theme, Grimlock plugins and all the other recommended plugins to the latest version to fully benefit from this new feature.

    If done correctly, everything should run smoothly. You might still be seeing the issue because your browser cache is showing you an older version of the page (browsers do that to load pages faster). So to see that the issue is resolved you will need to empty your browser cache and reload the page. If you want to read more on what browser cache is and how to clear it, here is an article that might help you: How to Clear Internet Cache in Every Major Browser.

    To update your theme, you can download and install the Envato Market plugin ( on your WordPress site.

    Once the plugin is installed and activated, go to “Envato Market” in your admin menu and follow the instructions under “Activate Envato API Connection”.

    When this is done, you will see your purchased themes under the “Themes” tab and you should be able to update your theme from there by clicking the “Update available” button.


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