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‘Register’ function doesn’t work

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  • Verona
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    I have the Paid Membership Pro (paid version) plugin. Now trying to get it to work properly. I have set the ‘register’ link in the logged out user menu to link to the membership levels page but it doens’t work. I keep getting redirected to the ‘access restricted’ page i have set up for non members.

    But what is also strange is that, even if i changed the menu item to the dutch translation (registreren), the change is not reflected on the frontend (which still show ‘register’).

    See attachment.

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    And even as loggedin admin, i do not have access to any buddypress section anymore like members or groups. I get redirected to the same ‘access restricted page’.

    Themosaurus Support
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    Hi Debora,

    Thank you for reaching out.

    We’ve recently addressed a very similar issue in another topic:

    Hide menu for non-members

    Note that to make the logged out menu visible (once it is created), you have to uncheck the “Display login and register buttons in the navbar” in Customize > Appearance > Login. The Logged Out menu and these buttons are completely different.

    Hope this will help you better understand how it works. We remain available for all matters related with our theme! 🙂


    Themosaurus Support
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    Concerning your second issue, I think you have to sync the highest Membership level with admin role or add the Membership level in your profile settings. 🤔

    It’s best if you try to reach the plugin authors as they will be more informed and better suited to help you. To go further, we invite you to post your request on their support forums:

    Don’t hesitate to share the solution with us. I’m sure it will help other users facing the same issue. By doing this, you’ll make a great contribution to this forum, and we thank you very much for that! #SharingIsCaring 💪🏻

    We remain available for all support requests related with the use of your theme.


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    This is another issue. My login or register menu was set up correctly and was working fine before setting up the membership levels. Once i have set up the membership levels I have changes the link in the menu to point to the membership options page. I am now in contact with the support of the plugin to see why i get redirected to the ‘access restricted’ page once i click on it, even if i can see that the link is set up correctly.

    What i think is theme related is the fact that even if i customize the menu to have a different label, this change is not reflected om the menu itself. See my previous screenshots.

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    I did this already (even if it doesn’t make sense, it shouldn’t be that way) and indeed it didn’t help either.

    Themosaurus Support
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    Thank you for your feedback Debora.

    Concerning the original issue: I took a look at your website and the Login et register button are still displayed. These button are managed by Grimlock login and you can’t edit the url, you just can change the label by translating this plugin.

    To use custom links, you have to use the logged out menu by deactivating the default buttons, as explained in my previous answer. At this point, the Logged Out menu is still hidden on your website because the “Display login and register buttons in the navbar” feature isn’t unchecked. Please find the attached screenshots.

    Hope this will help you.


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    I do not understand. If i do so, the buttons on the right end are gone and i get the topabr from wordpress on screen with login and registreren. But i do not want the login to go via the wordpress bar but via the styled buttons. Or am i missing something?

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    Ok. Not sure what exactly happened. If it changed after clearing the cache, of the disable/enable plugins and so on, but the style of the login / register changed. Now the wordpress topbar is gone, which i am happy, but i get a blank user avatar at far right with the login / register options there. This is not user friendly. I almost assumed i was already logged in because i saw the user avatar.

    I would like the buttons to be styled as on your demo. How do I achieve that again?

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    Themosaurus Support
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    Hi Verona,

    The default buttons “Login” and “Register” are automatically managed by Grimlock Login and you cannot edit them.

    To use custom links, you have to use the logged out menu. Which is now displayed on your website. This is standard design and behavior with our theme, I’m afraid. To display the items in this menu as buttons, I’m afraid you’ll need customization work. Unfortunately, this is a service that we do not provide.

    We only share snippet only to solve issues with our theme. Any further request for CSS snippets will have to be part of a defect that needs to be fixed urgently. No snippets will be shared otherwise.

    If you want to go further with the customization of your website, we advise that you hire a freelancer to do it for you.

    If you’re on a tight budget, we recommend you to require the services from Envato Studio freelancers ( This web platform gives you access to developers who have already experience with theme customizations, and for very competitive prices.

    Concerning your issue with PMPro Members Plan page, I think this issue might come from the translation. However, I’m not sure.

    Could you deactivate all plugins except BuddyPress, PMPro, Grimlock, Grimlock for BuddyPress, Grimlock for PMPro, Kirki and Grimlock Login? Please deactivate all existing custom PHP code snippets please? And then, could you confirm me that the issue is still persisting please?

    Please also make sure that you have the latest theme version and that all recommended plugins are up-to-date. Finally, you could also consider clearing all activated caching system as well as your browser cache before investigating any further. If you want to read more on what browser cache is and how to clear it, here is an article that might help you: How to Clear Internet Cache in Every Major Browser.

    We’re waiting for your feedback.

    Thank you.

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    Sorry but i really do not udnerstand how it works with the login / register buttons and the logged out menu. I had the login / register buttons as shown in the attachment, which is what i want. Then got the paid version of PMpro and the login / register buttons style changed. I do not understand why would i get a different style then with the gratis version.

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    This is how the login button is styled on the gwangy theme demo. I would suppose that this would be the case also with the paid version of the PMpro plugin.

    Themosaurus Support
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    Hi Verona,

    Using the Logged out menu allows you to use a custom register page. In you case, the PMPro register page.

    In case you would like to use the standard Login and Register buttons, you have to check the “Display login and register buttons in the navbar” in Customize > Appearance > Login. The buttons will be displayed instead of the Logged Out Menu. However, the register button will redirect to the standard register form manage by WordPress and BuddyPress.

    Hope this will help you. In case there is something I misunderstood, please don’t hesitate to come back to me. 🙂


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    Hm… that is weird though. The standard (gratis) registration is styled while if you pay for the upgrade of the plugin then you don’t get the styling anymore. Maybe it could be interesting for otherone as well if this would be taken into account as suggestion for a future update. I thinks you should have the same register / login experience for the paid version too then for the free version. It is not a separate (or unsupported) plugin after all.

    Themosaurus Support
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    Hi Verona,

    I think you misunderstand. If you want to use the register page from PMPro, you have to use the logged Out menu. This menu is styled, it is just different. However, it allows you to add multiple pages.

    If you want to use the default buttons, it is the BuddyPress registration page that is used. Because in most case, the users have to register through the BuddyPress registration page and only then select their membership plan. This is standard behaviour with our theme, I’m afraid.

    Hope this will help you understand how it works.


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    Ok. So i didn’t understand at all how this register thing work with the theme. So i can set the registration to go through BuddyPress (and have the styled buttons) and still be able to make the user chose different membership plans? How do i do that?

    Themosaurus Support
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    Hi Verona,

    If I’m not mistaken, you have to sync the standard rôle to a basic PMPro level. This way, the newly registered user will have access to your website, but the premiums features. When using the premium features, the user will be restricted and have to be redirected to the PMPro levels page. This way, he’ll be able to select the level of his choice.

    I think this Add On might catch your attention:

    Let me know if you need more explanations.


    Themosaurus Support
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    I have some news Verona. It seems that, by default, PMPro should redirect to the PMPro levels page when going on the classic register page managed by BuddyPress. In fact, you should be able to let the standard Login and Register buttons on your menu and PMPro should redirect the users to the PMPro levels page when clicking on Register.

    I think it doesn’t work on your side because of your other issue: You can’t access to your memberships levels page and keep getting redirected to the ‘access restricted’ page you have set up for non members.

    I took a look at your website and it seems the levels page is now accessible for non-logged in users. Can you display the default Login and Register buttons and install and activate the BuddyPress Integration Add On I send you in my previous reply, please?

    I’m sorry that we don’t have all the answers. Be sure we do our best to provide the best support possible. Be sure PMPro plugin is compatible with our theme. However, we do not support this plugin. When an issue is related to a third party plugin, we try our best to help our users. If we don’t have the answer, the best think we can do is to redirect you to the plugin authors. As they are the authors of the plugin, they are in the best position to help you. I’m sure you can understand we can’t help much with a plugin we haven’t developed.

    We’re waiting for your feedback.

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    You do a great work already (with support as well), so no need to apologize. I will have a look to wat you suggest and see if that works.

    The issue with the registration page being redirected to the access denied page has been resolved with the help of the PMpro support. It was due to a setting in the buddy press options. Once i have set the page on the buddy press to the register page, the issue was solved.

    Thank you for the dialogue with Kinsta.

    The Staging site was very helpful! I belive I found the issue.

    There is a setting in BuddyPress that seems to be setting things off. I have changed “Registration” in the the “BuddyPress Settings” Page tab to go to another page. Since you are not using BuddyPress registration this is fine. I believe this was setting off the issue.

    I’ve attached an image of what you should change.
    Settings > BuddyPress > pages

    I am going to report this as something that should be looked at when setting up a BuddyPress site.

    Please let me know how changing this works for you!’

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    The issue with the registration page is still not completely solved though. I notice now that on the homepage the register button links to one page while on any other page give me again access denied. So it needs a little more attention. Will chat again with PMpro.

    Anyway the buttons login register are now returned and whatever i tried they stayed that way. So no idea how i had got the other style before. Probably another setting which i have forgotten again.

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    The best options seem to be BP to use register page and PMpro to use membership levels page. Then it all seems to work as expected. The only problem i seem to get with this option is that if i click on register button in menu while on the membership levels page, i end up on the access denied page, instead of staying where i already am.

    The login and register buttons in the menu are styled as i want them.

    It’s only a pity that the registration page i get with PMpro ( is not as nicely and clearly styled as the basic registration form you guys have created (

    Themosaurus Support
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    Hi Verona,

    Thank you for your complete feedback. I’m glad to read all starting to be in place.

    Concerning your Member Subscription page (Lidmaatschap inschrijving), it seems it’s kinda narrow. I think there is the “Full width template: narrow” template that is selected. Could you please change the page template to “Full width template”? I believe it will be much better.


Roboraptor 🦖
Themosaurus Topic Closer

Hi there,

This topic has been inactive for a while now so we will be closing it to keep the forum tidy. Don't hesitate to create a new topic if you still need help and we'll be glad to help you!

Best regards,
The Themosaurus team.

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