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Age Range Slider UI

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  • Johan
    • 16 Topics
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    Can you please consider to have Age range as slider instead of select box or input value.
    That’s the most ergonomic way to choose a range, especially on smartphone.
    Example :

    David BDJ
    • 23 Topics
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    I say Yes. How to vote for a feature request ???

    Themosaurus Support
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    Hi @johan, @billdjango,

    Thank you for your great feedback. ?
    It would be indeed very nice as it would massively improve the homepage form and the search UX.

    However, please note that your feature request is related with the improvement of a third party plugin, not our theme. As theme authors, feature development for third party plugins isn’t part of the support we will provide.

    As this issue is related with the BP Profile Search, it’s best if you try to reach the plugin authors. They will be more suited to take charge of this request.

    To go further, we invite you to post your request on their support forums:

    We remain available for all support requests related with the use of your theme.


    Themosaurus Support
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    Hi @billdjango,

    By showing interest for the feature and posting reply, like you just did.
    We like to keep conversations going regarding feature requests as it allow us to ask users exactly how they see the suggested feature. ?

    Our forum is a living and breathing thing. We’ve chosen this format instead of plain old polls.


    • 16 Topics
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    Hi @themosaurusrex

    I already did before posting this feature request

    You can see my post and answer from Andrea on this link

    What does BP SEARCH FORM do to implement this feature ?

    Themosaurus Support
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    @johan, almost everything. It finds the xProfile fields set in BuddyPress settings and create fields for its search forms. Our theme applies the same styles applied to WooCommerce and other forms for visual coherence.


    • 16 Topics
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    Hi @themosaurusrex

    I have requested Andrea (BP Profile Search) about age range slider, here’s his answer
    Apparently there is no need to make any change at plugin level to have age range slider, it can be done in form template

    If you look at the default form template (file bp-profile-search/templates/members/bps-form-default.php), the age range is implemented in lines 121-123.

    The min and max values are sent to the server as ‘field_4_age_range[min]’ and ‘field_4_age_range[max]’ (replace 4 with the field ID of your field).

    If you edit the template to implement a different UI, that’s fine, as long as you send the min and max values with the same name. No changes are needed to the plugin itself.

    Please note that Gwangi provide their own BP Profile Search form templates, so you may want to edit those instead.

    Themosaurus Support
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    Hi @johan,

    Thank you for sharing this info with us.

    We will implement this feature if other community members upvote this request.

    We’ll keep you informed. Thank you very much for contributing to Gwangi!

    Best regards,

    David BDJ
    • 23 Topics
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    I vote for this feature !!!

    • 19 Topics
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    Yes could be nice.

    Gilles Deron
    • 31 Topics
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    I also vote for this.

    Pierre Laroche
    • 27 Topics
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    It’s a go-go for me also 😉

    Themosaurus Support
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    Thank you for your feedbacks, since this feature seems to be pretty popular, I will bring it up to the team and see if we can add this to our roadmap soon 🙂

    I will keep you updated here.


    Themosaurus Support
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    We have recently released an update of Grimlock for BuddyPress (v 1.4.2) that includes this feature. Updating this plugin to the latest version should add it to your website.

    After the update, any integration problems should be fixed. However, you might still be seeing an issue because your browser cache is showing you an older version of the page (browsers do that to load pages faster). To see that the issue is resolved you will need to empty your browser cache and reload the page. If you want to read more on what browser cache is and how to clear it, here is an article that might help you:

    Kindest regards,

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