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Bug: Member Directory page [2] is not loading

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  • Surrealer
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    if I go in the member directory to page 2 (or anything else than page 1) and click on the hearts, they are not loading.

    I guess this is becaus you load the member directory pages via ajax, because it works if I call /members/?upage=2 directly. See it work on a theme that does not use ajax for it.

    Got a hotfix for me?

    Kind regards,
    your theme tester surrealer 😀 😀

    Themosaurus Support
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    Hi @surrealer,

    We are unfortunately unable to reproduce the issue on our side (you can test it on our demo website:

    Maybe one of your plugins is currently causing a conflict. Please try to disable all your plugins except BuddyPress, Kirki, Grimlock and Grimlock for BuddyPress then try again to see if it works. If it does, it means one of the plugins on your website is causing the issue. You can then re-enable them one by one until you find the plugin that is responsible for the issue.

    Hope this information helps you 🙂

    Best regards,

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    Even knowing it would be without success, I gave it a try.

    1. The matcing plugin is not installed on your demo page or it is not shown in the directory. so I can’t test it on there 🙁
    2. I have a clean install with only your theme + cpre plugins and the matching plugin, it is working on page one, not on page two

    You might did not understand what I was talking about, so here are some screenshots of your and my page:

    Themosaurus Support
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    Hi @surrealer,

    My bad, I thought you were talking about the friend request button, since it’s also a heart. Thank you for clarifying.

    After investigating, I found out the issue doesn’t happen because of Gwangi, and I’ve been able to reproduce the issue with the default Twenty Nineteen theme. I have found that this issue happens when using the matchmaking plugin with the legacy template pack of BuddyPress.

    But you might be wondering why does it work when you switch to another theme?
    That is because Gwangi forces the “Template Pack” option in BuddyPress to “BuddyPress Legacy” for compatibility, regardless of the option you choose in your settings. So when you switch to another theme, the “Template Pack” option goes back to “BuddyPress Nouveau” and the matchmaking works again. That means the matchmaking plugin works with the “BuddyPress Nouveau” template pack, but it doesn’t work with the “BuddyPress Legacy” one. Please note that the “BuddyPress Legacy” pack is also responsible for the members loading in ajax.

    Since this is probably a little bit confusing, you might want to reproduce the issue on your side to get a better understanding. If you want to reproduce it, please try the following:

    – Switch to the Twenty Nineteen theme or another default theme.
    – Go to Settings > BuddyPress > Options
    – Change the “Template Pack” to “BuddyPress Legacy”
    – Go on your members page and try to reproduce the issue with the “Calculate Match” button and should see that the button doesn’t work after loading another page
    – You should also notice that the members are now loaded in ajax, since the BuddyPress Legacy pack is responsible for that

    To conclude, since this is a compatibility issue between the matchmaking plugin and the “BuddyPress Legacy” template pack, we’re unfortunately unable to fix it in Gwangi as this issue needs to be fixed directly in the matchmaking plugin.

    So to go further, I’m afraid you will have to report the issue to the matchmaking plugin author:

    Match me for BuddyPress

    Hope this information helps you get a better understanding of this issue.

    Best regards,

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    I understand it, I’m a developer myself.
    The question is if you provide a fix for it or if I have to do that on my own?
    I understand that you can’t provide a fix for every plugin, generally any plugin, but this is one of your core plugins.
    Without it you just have a community theme instead of a dating theme.

    You should concider to add your own matching plugin, this one is not great and does not seem to get any updates.
    I had closera look at the plugin, it’s very simple!
    Also I modified it already to make it work a way better, like Male->Female or any other condition matching and correct support of multicheckbox (not like now when one is checked it gets full percentage for thar field)

    I could easily rewrite the Plugin for you, might it be for a unlimited “Supported” status on here or whatever.

    Oh jeah and the developer is not answering a couple of months now, so no hope that there get anything fixed, last update is 7 Months ago.

    Again I understand that it is not on your side, but as one of your main plugins you should bring a solution and/or contact the developer from your side 😉

    I do already report enough bugs and ideas on here for plugins you support and/or the theme itself.

    At the end you have always to ask yourself, what is my theme worth when supported core plugins are not working correctly / and how will my customer react to it.

    Themosaurus Support
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    Hi @surrealer,

    Thank you for great and well documented feedback. We always appreciate insights coming from colleagues. 🙂

    Unfortunately, this discussion has come before in other topics and will come again, as some developers tend to minimize or drop entirely the support and update for otherwise very interesting plugins/features.

    As we’re already handling a very long todo list for Gwangi, we cannot start forking plugins. It’s a general rule that we tend to apply to all plugins. We’ll always try to fix all that’s possible in our theme but we won’t correct plugins.

    However, we’ll make a step in the good direction by analyzing and focusing our effort by supporting BP Nouveau template pack in the future.


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    Hello Olivier – @themosaurusrex,
    hello Jaseon – @themoceratops,
    hello other themosaurus developer,
    I can understand that you can’t fork all plugins – but:
    1. This is a core feature of your theme – without it, your theme is mostly just another Buddypress/Community Theme.
    Not a particular Dating theme at all!
    2. Other core plugins like Buddypress or whatever are open source projects developed by a community on github, this is not!
    3. Other dating themes provide their own matching system that works a way better
    4. Making Gwangi compatible with BP Nouveau is probably more/same effort than a fork by you. Might be a good idea anyway.

    5. It seems like I’m the first one who wants to run a big community page with this Theme…
    otherwise anyone else would have noticed this while running with 100+ of active members…

    We are already 50+ member during the test, when I public release our website, we will be 1000+ members in the first month
    (as that is the amount of members on our Discord server)

    I work with another company, so we aim for 5000+ members by the end of the year.

    I can’t release my page and tell my members, jeah you can’t use the matching button on any page after page one.
    That is unacceptable!

    Sure I could just display:none the matching button in the members directory, but that was one reason I did choose this theme.

    What I will do / already did is forking the matching plugin myself (and might take the effort and release it on my own…)
    but that takes me days!
    I also never released a plugin myself and also need to fix the plugin.
    At the end it is questionable if I get it to work with the ajax generated navigation of BuddyPress Legacy at all, I know that can be very tricky.

    If not, as I only code a little as hobby, I have to hire a developer and pay hundreds of Dollars to get it fixed.

    What you should do:
    -Fork it on your own and add it to your grimlock plugin portfolio
    -Adding support for BP Nouveau is nice, but in this case it is just like a drop in the bucket.

    At the moment it is NOT a full supported plugin, might it be of bad plugin coding or not – it probably was never supported and tested on any other page than page one, so probably NEVER WAS FULLY SUPPORTED at all.

    On top, the matching plugin has a nice basic… but honestly, I already had to fix it and add complementary fields (looking for male / female matching) and correct the calculation of multiselect checkboxes.
    Something the people on the plugin site are asking for since months and took me as hobby developer already 5h to get this to work.

    And as I said, I would even help you with the fork and send you my changes, as of little of getting longer support on here^^
    Also keep in mind, half of my reports on here are bugs that you didn’t find yourself and when my page is live the only thing I will report at all are bugs / suggestions 😉

    Also if you fork it yourself you can add a hint that it is fully compatible with your theme and get new customer – win win situation

    Kind regards

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