Hi Bedurion,
Indeed, we developed this plugin. We’re glad to read that you’re happy with it. 🙂
To change this, simply add the following code snippet to your website and replace the url:
* Use custom icon in verified member badge
.bp-verified-member:not(.bp-verified-member-badge-loaded) .member-name-item > a:after,
.bp-verified-member:not(.bp-verified-member-badge-loaded) .item-title > a:after,
.bp-verified-member:not(.bp-verified-member-badge-loaded) > .author > a:after,
.bp-verified-member:not(.bp-verified-member-badge-loaded) .member-name > a:after {
background: $badge-color url("../images/verified-check.svg") no-repeat center center !important;
To add this code snippet to your site, we recommend that you paste it to the Custom CSS panel of your WordPress Customizer. Just go to your dashboard and navigate to “Appearance > Customize > Additional CSS”.
Pasting your code snippet there should do the trick for you.
Also, it’s important to remember that we share snippet only to solve issues with our theme. Any further request for CSS snippets will have to be part of a defect that needs to be fixed urgently. No snippets will be shared otherwise.
If you want to go further with the customization of your website, we advise that you require customization work.