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Compatible templates for GEO my WP

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  • alex
    • 81 Topics
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    As you know, GWP has ugly default templates. Highly desired if a compatible template can be created for your theme.

    Highly valued in reason that most community sites are location based.

    Only location based option is xprofile. It only works for entering addresses upon registration but NOT to when integrated with the Profile Search plugin.

    If x profile location can be used for gathering locations + GWP to be used for searching locations (i.e. with the drop down of ajax results) = an ultimate streamlined consumer experience.

    Rather than entering addresses and not having any drop down results as suggestions.

    Themosaurus Support
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    Hi @abourne,

    Thank you for bring this to our attention. You’re making a very grounded argument and we agree that social websites are very location based. As you’re not the first to request this, we will put this feature on top of our request list if other community members upvote it. We’ve noticed that many potential buyers browsing ThemeForest themes were looking/asking for this feature and currently, our theme doesn’t provide its support yet. So with some upvotes, we’ll be looking to change that.

    Could you please provide us with screenshots of your website? Please don’t hesitate to comment or highlight your screenshots to help other better understand your feature request.

    We’ll keep you informed. Thank you very much for contributing to Gwangi!

    Best regards,

    • 81 Topics
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    Appreciate your thoughtful feedback.

    I would love to provide screenshots, but have nothing of value to share as my current solution is to be using x profile search for the front end (which you’re well aware of).

    I had used Geo my WP previously with a theme that offered a custom template. It integrated well for BP members search.

    Many themeforest themes would exemplify the concept much better than I can articulate.

    Happy to beta test whatever you devise.

    Themosaurus Support
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    Hi @abourne,

    We can see that SweetDate has a pretty straightforward support of Geo my WP. Maybe this could be a good start.
    What do you think?

    Moreover, if you find/have already used other themes supporting Geo my WP, please share the URLs to their demos so we can review them. We’re having a hard time to find other themes supporting it, which is strange for plugin featuring 8000+ active installations.

    Thank you.

    • 81 Topics
    • 259 Posts

    Very strange that there are not many themes available. I purchased upgrades with Gewo Wp and it’s a solo dev. He’s very cooperative. I’m sure he’d be willing to extend a hand to help more theme devs integrate. In any case, it’s ready to go – he offers many ‘member’ add ons, free/paid. Just the UI is the only issue preventing more adoption I think….

    I was using reHub,
    It was a multivendor marketplace. It has good integration with BP profiles which links every ‘vendor’ to be a ‘bp member’ with a fully fledged bp profile,.
    Allows for ability to create a seperate area for member directory search and each member has additional tabs on profile for products, store location etc. is my fav design. Search results can be customised to display Bp members also (I asked some time back).

    The concept of a pintrest for infinite load is appealing. Keeps users ‘randomness’ factor high.
    Rather than Gwangi pagnation which is too old school.
    People are too lazy to need to click page to page. It’s such an obvious action that users would inevitably be doing themselves. Your theme still makes them do it and doesn’t take the burden off them…

    Geo my WP has an infinite load upgrade included in one of their upgrades (which I purchased). Serves the intent well.

    But then again… Google still makes users click between pages. But in the most case, results are found in 1-10, need not any other pages to look through.

    So… please add an infinite load option 🙂
    The pinterest style shares good UX.

    Themosaurus Support
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    Hi @abourne,

    Thank you for sharing other links with us!

    Please note that Infinite Scroll is already supported with Jetpack. You just need to activate it and download our free add-on called Grimlock for Jetpack:

    For more, please view the following video demo:

    As you will discover, you can pretty easily display your posts with Pinterest looking layout and AJAX feel.

    Unfortunately, this feature is not yet available for the member directory. We’re still looking for the best plugin to provide this feature.


    • 81 Topics
    • 259 Posts

    Super elegant. Nice job Gwangi’ans 🙂

    Will integrate to my theme.

    Themosaurus Support
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    Thank you very much!! ?

    We hope that you will enjoy this feature!

    • 16 Topics
    • 47 Posts

    any updates on this? I come from sweetdate and miss the support for geo my wp – you have a way better design / mobile view in general
    Would just do it the same way 😉

    Gilles Deron
    • 31 Topics
    • 97 Posts


    And another vote for a geo widget !

    For a dating site, it would be a major feature to give the possibility of a geographical search.

    I’m pretty sure that special feature will come in a next update of Gwangi. The Gwani team seems to be very listening their users/customers.

    Long life to Gwangi !

    Themosaurus Support
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    Hi @gillesderon,

    Thank you very much for supporting this request.

    As many of you have requested this, we’ve moved this feature up our priority list. We haven’t announced any release date yet but it will be added in the coming updates.

    We’ll keep you updated of our progresses.


    Themosaurus Support
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    Hi Alex and Gilles,

    You will be happy to know that this feature is currently under development by our team.

    If it’s not the case, don’t hesitate to subscribe this topic to be aware as soon as the next update with this feature will be released.

    We thank you for your patience and your contribution to our theme.


    Themosaurus Support
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    Hi everyone,

    We recently released a new version of your theme, we’ve also issued Grimlock for GEO my WP. You should see the invite to download this new plugin once you’ll have GEO my WP installed and activated. Please make sure to install this new plugin and then update your theme, Grimlock plugins and all the other recommended plugins to the latest version to fully benefit from this new feature.

    If done correctly, everything should run smoothly. You might still be seeing the issue because your browser cache is showing you an older version of the page (browsers do that to load pages faster). So to see that the issue is resolved you will need to empty your browser cache and reload the page. If you want to read more on what browser cache is and how to clear it, here is an article that might help you: How to Clear Internet Cache in Every Major Browser.

    To update your theme, you can download and install the Envato Market plugin ( on your WordPress site.

    Once the plugin is installed and activated, go to “Envato Market” in your admin menu and follow the instructions under “Activate Envato API Connection”.

    When this is done, you will see your purchased themes under the “Themes” tab and you should be able to update your theme from there by clicking the “Update available” button.


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