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Duplicate Buddypress admin emails..

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  • epgb101
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    my Buddypress/Gwangi installs keep creating loads of duplicate admin emails (“you have a new message”). I’ve got 140 in total! – 9 {{{}}} New message from {{}} emails. All created same day – many at the exact time – others just a few minutes apart. I can’t think this is Buddypress doing this (I could be wrong).

    Anyone have ideas on
    a) why this is happening
    b) which duplicates to delete – ie which 1 of the duplicates (each email has an ID) is the site/install actually using?


    Themosaurus Support
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    Hi Ed,

    Thank you for bringing this issue to our attention. 🙂

    The first thing to do is to make sure this issue is not caused by some conflicting third party plugin or some extra code snippet. Could you deactivate all plugins that have not been installed with your theme during its setup and all existing custom PHP code snippets please? And then, could you confirm me that the issue is still persisting please?

    Please also make sure that you have the latest theme version and that all recommended plugins are up-to-date. Finally, you could also consider clearing all activated caching system as well as your browser cache before investigating any further. If you want to read more on what browser cache is and how to clear it, here is an article that might help you: How to Clear Internet Cache in Every Major Browser.

    Please be aware that our theme doesn’t modify the email feature. The emails are only manage by BuddyPress. If this issue persists, we suggest you to report this to the BuddyPress authors. To go further, we invite you to post your request on their support forums:

    We hope this will help you. Be sure we remain available for all support requests related with the use of your theme.


    • 31 Topics
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    Hi Ed,

    Your post has made me realise that I have the same issue, even on test websites that I create for quick tests. It must be something to do with the demo import process? I have a solution for you, but please do a website backup before doing this!

    To fix it, use the BuddyPress repair tools. This is a very simple process. Head to Tools > BuddyPress. Select “Reinstall emails (delete and restore from defaults).” and click “Repair Items”. The page will load again, and it may not seem like anything has happened, but the process is continuing in the background. Leave the page open for a few minutes, just to be safe. Upon completion, go to your Emails section again and the old emails will go into the “Trash” section. You can then decide what to do with the trashed ones. I choose to keep them around for a while until I am sure I do not need them anymore and there are no issues.

    Forum moderators – please moderate my answer if you think my advice is incorrect. Just adding what worked for me 🙂.

    Best of luck!

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    Forgot to add that you should normally see “Emails have been successfully reinstalled.” after completing the process, but sometimes this doesn’t happen (as above).

    Themosaurus Support
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    Hi Nifty,

    Thank you for sharing the solution with us. We’ll investigate to find out if this issue is related the our theme setup.

    I’m sure it will help other users facing the same issue. By doing this, you’re making a great contribution to this forum, and we thank you very much for that! #SharingIsCaring 💪🏻


    Themosaurus Support
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    Hi Nifty,

    Here are some updates:

    Please be aware that during the theme setup, all the default emails are deleted to be recreated. We investigated, but there is nothing we can find that could cause your “duplicating emails” issue.

    We think that some plugins might be related to this issue. For exemple, BP Better Message recreate some emails when activating or deactivating some plugins. However, we don’t know specifically which one could cause this. In the case of BP Better Message, this plugin updates some emails, but does not duplicate them.

    In conclusion, we really suggest you to report this issue on the BuddyPress support forums as they will be better suited to help you:

    Don’t hesitate to share the solution with us. I’m sure it will help other users facing the same issue. By doing this, you will be making a great contribution to this forum, and we thank you very much for that! #SharingIsCaring 💪🏻

    We remain available for all support requests related with the use of your theme.


    • 31 Topics
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    Hi Manathan,

    OK, thanks. We find using the BP Better Messages plugin causes a lot of problems, so we don’t use it anymore. Most recently, it sent out blank messages to everyone that could not be read, until the plugin was disabled and the built-in messaging system was used to read it.

    Themosaurus Support
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    Hi Nifty,

    It’s very odd. We’re sorry to read you were facing some issues with this plugin. Don’t hesitate to report these issues to the plugins authors in case you want to use this plugin. To contact them, please read this topic: How to ask for support?.


Roboraptor 🦖
Themosaurus Topic Closer

Hi there,

This topic has been inactive for a while now so we will be closing it to keep the forum tidy. Don't hesitate to create a new topic if you still need help and we'll be glad to help you!

Best regards,
The Themosaurus team.

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