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How to Fix Short Code Error

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  • Andrew Michaels
    • 2 Topics
    • 8 Posts

    Hi there. When I go to Wiki and to KnowledgeBase this pops up: [epkb-knowledge-base id=1]

    Also, under the organisers tab, how do i add organisers?

    Themosaurus Support
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    Hi @andrewmichaels03,

    Thank you for buying our theme. We hope it will meet all your expectations. ?

    Could you provide us with screenshots of your website please? Please don’t hesitate to comment or highlight your screenshots to help us better understand your issue.

    Thank you.

    Andrew Michaels
    • 2 Topics
    • 8 Posts

    Hi. There you are able to see the shortcode, or error. Also, how do I add organisers?

    I hope you don’t find this question as customization service, but do you know how I’d able to add a group video call feature? Any plugins you could recommend?

    Thank you.

    Andrew Michaels
    • 2 Topics
    • 8 Posts

    Hi there. Also noticed that calendar, today’s events, event list pages are missing. how do i get them without losing all progress?

    Andrew Michaels
    • 2 Topics
    • 8 Posts

    Also, why is no info popping up under forum statistics? it only shows its title

    Themosaurus Support
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    Hi @andrewmichaels03,

    I think if the shortcode is visible, it’s certainly because the Bnowledge Base plugin is missing :

    Thank you for bring these other issues to our attention. We’re glad to answer any question related with the setup of our theme.

    However, it very difficult for us to provide the best support possible and to keep track of issues and their resolution if so many questions are asked in the same topic.
    Moreover, it’s easier for us to share the resolution for a single issue with other members of our community facing the same problem.

    So, could you split your questions into different topics?
    By doing this, you will be making a great contribution to this forum, and we thank you very much for that! 🙂

    Thank you.

    Andrew Michaels
    • 2 Topics
    • 8 Posts

    Hi there. I upgraded to php 7.4 and properly reinstalled my theme and from there everything worked perfectly. Thank you. I saw you had a snippet to hide admins from members directory, is it possible to hide members (subscribers) and only show admins? I’ll create another post for my other questions (in their respctive categories)

    Themosaurus Support
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    To change this, simply add the following code snippet to your website:

    // Remove subscribers from the member directory
    function gwangi_hide_subscribers_from_directory( $qs = false, $object = false ) {
    	$excluded_user = implode( ',', get_users( 'role=subscriber&fields=ID' ) );
    	if ( $object != 'members' && $object != 'friends' ) // hide subscribers to members & friends
    		return $qs;
    	$args = wp_parse_args( $qs );
    	if( ! empty( $args['user_id'] ) )
    		return $qs;
    	if( ! empty( $args['exclude'] ) )
    		$args['exclude'] = $args['exclude'] . ',' . $excluded_user;
    		$args['exclude'] = $excluded_user;
    	$qs = build_query( $args );
    	return $qs;
    add_action( 'bp_ajax_querystring', 'gwangi_hide_subscribers_from_directory', 20, 2 );

    To add this code snippet to your site, we recommend that you use a the Code Snippets plugin ( If you have never activated this plugin, please read the following post:

    Adding Custom PHP Without Changing Your Child Theme

    Please also note that we don’t provide any theme customization. So, you shouldn’t expect other snippets from us unless it’s to fix an issue stemming from our own codebase. We always try our best to help theme users whenever we can and only provide code snippets out of courtesy to prevent them from waiting for the next update.


    Andrew Michaels
    • 2 Topics
    • 8 Posts

    Thank you so much for the feedback.

    Themosaurus Support
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    You’re welcome! ?

    If you’re happy with our theme, feel free to review our theme on our Themeforest page:

    It very appreciated and it helps us making our products more known to new potential customers, which allow us more time to improve the quality over time and develop new features. It’s a win-win !

    And by doing this, you will be making a great contribution to our community! #SharingIsCaring ??

    Thank you!

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