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Members not visible in members directory

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  • René Wappiez
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    Unfortunately no members are visible in either swapping or the members directory, see attached.
    I have come across one of your articles:

    My members directory show no members or only one

    But I have logged in many times now with all of my members and they will still not become visible in the directory.
    Also, I have deactivated both Pro Membership plugins and still no members become visible.

    Do you have any idea what the reason could be? Not sure, if it matters, but I did change some page title names to Dutch.

    Themosaurus Support
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    Hi René, 🙂

    Thank you for reaching out to us! Can you please tell us if the members were visible before translating the title of the page? In this case, it’s best if we take a quick look at this…

    Could you create a new website user for us please? If possible with administrator capabilities so we can make a quick check of your settings.
    You can post the user name and password in your next reply and mark it as private to keep this between us.

    Also, are we free to deactivate plugins for our tests? I invite you to make a backup before we investigate your website further in order to make sure you don’t loose any data if something goes wrong.

    Thank you.

    René Wappiez
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    This reply has been marked as private.
    Themosaurus Support
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    Thank you for granting us access to your WP Admin.

    We will investigate further to find from where this issue is coming from.

    We will be back to you ASAP.

    Thank you for your patience.


    Themosaurus Support
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    After the deactivation of Paid Memberships Pro, it seems all users are shown. Can you please check and come back to me?

    If all members are now visible on your side, that means this issue is related to a misconfiguration of PMPro. In this case, we recommend that you follow this post explaining how Paid Membership Pro and its BuddyPress add-on work:

    Hope this will help you solve your issue.


    René Wappiez
    • 106 Topics
    • 352 Posts

    Hmm ok. I didn’t know I had to disable the Grimlock plugin as well.

    I do see them now btw thx. But the thing is, they are not visible in Chrome, but they are visible in Safari and DuckDuckGo. Can you see them in Chrome?

    René Wappiez
    • 106 Topics
    • 352 Posts

    Hmm, I think it’s just my computer. Never mind. I will get into the Paid Membership Pro setup, thx.

    René Wappiez
    • 106 Topics
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    Ok, so I have adjusted the settings for non members and they are now visible in the member directory. However these members are not getting visible on the swapping pages though?

    Themosaurus Support
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    Hi René,

    Please note that I disabled Grimlock for Paid Memberships Pro, not Grimlock. Grimlock is a required plugin for our theme. However, Grimlock for PMPro works only with Paid Memberships Pro plugin. Anyway, I’m glad to read you were able to solve this issue.

    Concerning your second issue, our best guess is that this might be related to the translation of the profile fields. This topic might catch your attention as it seems to answer to a similar issue:

    Members are not visible in Members swap in spanish

    Note that the user did not translated correctly the profil field Man and Woman. For this reason, the member swap did not work correctly. Can you please make sure that :

    1. the gender field is correctly translated,
    2. the value of the shortcodes in the pages is correct.

    We’re waiting for your feedback.


    René Wappiez
    • 106 Topics
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    It seems like you guys had quite some conversation going on. And it doesn’t really looks like it had an outcome:

    Translate man and woman

    As you said in that discussion. It looks like I have translated it correctly, but it’s not being translated on the website.
    About the swapping, I have checked the English version on my website and the swapping is working correctly here.
    So I think I need to create a completely Dutch form, to be able to make things work? See attached.

    Themosaurus Support
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    Thank you René for your feedback.

    Please note that there is an incompatibility issue between BuddyPress Member Swap, WPML and the gender field. For this reason, we suggest you to not use this feature.

    Be aware that in the following weeks, we’ll integrate a new plugin: Member Swipe for BuddyPress. This plugin is developed by us and will be fully compatible with Gwangi theme. Be sure our team is currently working on the new version of Gwangi with this plugin.

    We suggest you to install this plugin by downloading it here. This plugin will add a Gutenberg block that will allow you to filter the Member Swipe easily. Please find the attached screenshot. By using Member Swipe for BuddyPress plugin, we really think you should no longer face this issue.

    Hope this will help you solve this. Moreover, we really would like to hear from you about our plugin as we thing it will be more suited to your needs. Don’t hesitate to come back to us. 🙂


    René Wappiez
    • 106 Topics
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    Ok thx. Just installed it. But how does it work though. Do I need to install Gutenberg and then go to the Swapping pages?

    Themosaurus Support
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    Hi René, 🙂

    Gutenberg is the default editor of WordPress, you don’t have to install an extra plugin.

    Once the Member Swipe for BuddyPress is installed, Here are the steps to follow:

    1. Please go to the swapping page and click on Edit Page.
    2. Remove the Shortcode block.
    3. Add the new Swipe Directory block by clicking on the + icon on the left top corner of your screen.
    4. On the Filter Profile Field, select the user gender you want to display on this page.

    Let me know if you need more explanations. 🙂


    René Wappiez
    • 106 Topics
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    I am not getting the same page as you are. I can’t click on ‘edit page’ on top of the screen, see attached.

    Btw, I just found out that the swapping page is working correctly. However the men and women pages are not registering yet. Maybe I should translate the form first.

    Themosaurus Support
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    Indeed, I suggest you to translate the form.

    It seems you still have the classic editor of WordPress. Can you please make sure you have the latest version of WordPress?

    If it’s the case, maybe you installed a plugin to deactivate the Gutenberg editor. In that case, I suggest you to deactivate it.


    René Wappiez
    • 106 Topics
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    Ok, so I have now installed Gutenberg and did what you told me. Unfortunately, I’m now getting a 404 error page, when I want to load the page I’ve edited.

    Themosaurus Support
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    Thank you for your feedback. 🙂

    It’s best if we take a quick look at this…

    Could you create a new website user for us please? If possible with administrator capabilities so we can make a quick check of your settings.
    You can post the user name and password in your next reply and mark it as private to keep this between us.

    Also, are we free to deactivate plugins for our tests? In this case, I invite you to make a backup before we investigate your website further in order to make sure you don’t loose any data if something goes wrong.

    Thank you.

    René Wappiez
    • 106 Topics
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    This reply has been marked as private.
    Themosaurus Support
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    Thank you René.

    We always ask it our users before investigating on their site to prevent from interfering with their work.

    We’ll be back to you as soon as possible.


    Themosaurus Support
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    Hi René,

    Your page is back on. (Please see attached.)

    I took the liberty to install and activate Rewrite Rules Inspector on your website, which allow you check and flush the URL rewriting rules for your website and fix the 404 error. During the building phase of your website, especially when activating and/or deactivating plugins and plugin options, the rules upon which your URLs are generated can become messy.
    In this case, it’s good practice to flush them from time to time. If you wish to do it yourself, please visit Tools > Rewrite Rules. You can also empty your other caching systems after it.

    When your website is fully built, you can choose to deactivate this plugin.


    René Wappiez
    • 106 Topics
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    Awesome, many thx!

    Now, I don’t want to be looking ungrateful or anything, but it seems like this is a simpler version. The design of the earlier one looks a bit better. Is there a grimlock version available that corrects it or something?

    René Wappiez
    • 106 Topics
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    There is still one problem though. The women are getting on the men’s swapping page.

    Themosaurus Support
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    Hi René, 🙂

    Be sure this plugin will be integrated to our theme in the following weeks. The style will be the same after the next update.

    Concerning the woman appearing in the men swipe, we’ll investigate to find from where this issue might coming from and how we can help you.

    Thank you for your patience.


    Themosaurus Support
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    Hi René,

    There is an issue in this plugin that needs to be fixed in the next update. We’ll be back to you as soon as this update is available. 🙂

    We really thank you for your patience.


    René Wappiez
    • 106 Topics
    • 352 Posts

    Kay, thx

Roboraptor 🦖
Themosaurus Topic Closer

Hi there,

This topic has been inactive for a while now so we will be closing it to keep the forum tidy. Don't hesitate to create a new topic if you still need help and we'll be glad to help you!

Best regards,
The Themosaurus team.

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