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Members swap cache

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  • alex
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    Once they leave and return again, they will need to start searching and swiping through the members-wap/ again. That’s not productive for returning users. Perhaps some sort of cache which starts the user where they were if returning.

    Themosaurus Support
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    Hi @abourne,

    Thank you for your great feedback. ?

    We agree that it would be easier for returning users to save this data in a cookie of some sort… Once you went through a huge list of people, it might be frustrating to start the list all over again because you’ve closed your browser tab.

    This is a very nice idea and we will implement this feature if other community members upvote this request.

    We’ll keep you informed. Thank you very much for contributing to Gwangi!

    Best regards,

    • 81 Topics
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    Awesome, appreciate the update 🙂

    Perhaps having every swipe filter into a “Seen” category, which can be easily accessed as an “Archive” of some sort.

    Therefore, two categories of “seen” (which users to navigate too and see who they’ve already come across) and “un-seen” which is the swipe deck – which may be an easier fix.

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    Thank you for providing further feedback.

    What you’re suggesting in your second comment is much more complicated than storing the point in the member list from which users recently stopped browsing. It requires to categorize each viewed member as seen or unseen, to store this data and maybe filter on its values to show shorter lists…

    Maybe we could start by finding a simple way keep track of the viewing history and in a second time, go for the filtering feature. We might be able to deliver a first update faster that way. ?


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    If the swiping mode prevails more relevant to your theme users, rather than the substandard directory, surely it will evolve to encompass such features mentioned.

    If the ‘tinder’ mode of searching doesn’t become the ‘new way’, then maybe all of my mentions are not of merit.

    I make these suggestions in view of ‘swipes’ being a way to expedite the users intention, of finding a result faster.

    But, if habits keep users to filter normally via directory formats, then there’s maybe not much ROI in further development on the swipe module – I agree.

    Let the end-user decide 🙂

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    +1 🙂

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    Themosaurus Support
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    @lharnisch Thank you for supporting this request! ?

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    We have recently released a brand new plugin called MatchPress including major improvement for this feature. MatchPress adds powerful matching features to BuddyPress. Member likes, skips, super likes, conditional private messaging and much more to come!

    If you wish to learn more, feel free to visit the plugin website:


    Kindest regards,

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