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morphing search

This request has been declined by the Themosaurus team and will not be implemented


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  • alex
    • 81 Topics
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    Comparing this option to your existing search bar, I think it is highly desired and provides smoother UX

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    Simple Morphing Search

    It seems to be a simple integration, by what they suggest. But I’ll let you be the judge 🙂

    Themosaurus Support
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    Hi @abourne,

    Thank you for sharing this great post. We’re also bug fans of Codrops! ?

    Could please tell us more about your request? What is exactly appealing for you in this morphing search form?
    – Is it the morphing effect?
    – Is it the full screen search mode?
    – Is it the pre-completed search suggestions underneath?

    Thank you for your reply.

    • 81 Topics
    • 259 Posts


    Everything about it.

    The means of an entrance (morphing)

    The extremely minimal ‘one page, one intent’ of excluding everything else from sight, beside from the one singular action you want the user to do (search)

    Uses the space uniquely. Comparative to google, it occupies the same page space of a singular page, but the search is immersive, unlike a simple google text search filed from the 1990s.

    Liken it to and their immersive means of collecting input

    Auto complete/suggestive results is highly relevant also – maybe not so much for BP, but perhaps it could be crafted in a suggestive way like:

    which city____, (next screen) male / female, (next screen) age

    See typeform to see what I mean. But all a multi step input, rather than substandard search fields.

    Themosaurus Support
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    Hi @abourne,

    Thank you for sharing this idea with our community.

    Your idea might be a nice addition to our theme but unfortunately, this feature request hasn’t received any upvote from other community members in months. Sadly, we have to decline it as we are trying to keep this forum tidy.

    As we really appreciate your enthusiasm when using our products, feel free to keep on sharing other ideas that might be integrated in the future.

    Best regards,

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