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Paid Membership Pro

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  • Raja
    • 12 Topics
    • 46 Posts

    Hi there I was very happy that you have actually solved my previous errors and after all that, my site looks more stunning just because of your hard work expecting Gwangi with more stunning features to be the best ever theme in the market.

    I request you to add these features

    1.Paid membership pro Integration because it offers a great feature that works great in BuddyPress comparing to the woocommerce subscriptions
    2. Member swipe is not as modern as tinder has the capability to swipe with a Guster on screen but here we have to click on next profile which lacks the modernity
    3. Add customizing and icon changing options for Buddypress profile header so that it makes your customers make their own way of profile menus to be

    If these features included your product will be like an awesome ever i seen with any other themes in this platfomr

    Themosaurus Support
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    Hi Raja,

    Thank you very much for the kind words and the great feedback. It’s always a pleasure to discover that Gwangi community members are enjoying using our product! ?

    1) Paid Membership Pro integration has been added to the list of features that will be implemented in coming updates as multiple community members have requested it.

    2) We will look in ways of improving this feature. If I’m not mistaken, you’re mainly referring to the mobile UX for this feature, right? Do you think this would be better served with real swiping gesture on touch screens ?

    3) This feature has been implemented. From Gwangi 1.1.0, you will be able to select which icon to display in the navbar between the following:
    – Friends
    – Groups
    – Messages
    – Notifications
    – Settings
    Also, a count for pending or unread items will be displayed under the chosen icon.
    This update will be released in the coming weeks.

    Finally, don’t hesitate to leave a feedback review on ThemeForest. It helps a lot in making Gwangi more noticeable in the marketplace as potential buyers really value user reviews.


    • 12 Topics
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    Themosaurus Support
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    Hi Raja,

    OK thank you for your suggestion and also, thank you very much for the review! We really appreciate.

    This will also help us climbing! ?


    Themosaurus Support
    • 1 Topics
    • 1675 Posts

    Hi Raja,

    Paid Membership Pro is now supported with the release of Gwangi 1.1.0. We hope this will help you take your project even further.

    Thanks again for your trust and for involvement in our community. ?

    Please don’t hesitate to create new topic regarding this feature to help us improve Gwangi.


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