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Removing padding from comment aerea left and right

This request has been declined by the Themosaurus team and will not be implemented


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    Hi guys how you doing? I need your help.
    I would like to remove the padding around the comment plugin (wpdiscuz) that I am using. It’s already set up to work at its highest width. So I reckon this is a theme issue. How can I do it?
    I attach a screenshot to explain what I mean.

    The box to comment is not in line with the red guide. So I need to remove the space around it in order to get in line with the rest of the content..

    PS: Is the update you are working on coming soon? 🙂

    Themosaurus Support
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    Hi @seatsfordeparture,

    Could you share the URL to the page with us please? You can post it in your next reply and mark it as private to keep this between us.

    At the same time, could you please create a new website user for us? You can post the user name and password in your next reply too.

    Thank you.

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    This reply has been marked as private.
    Themosaurus Support
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    Hi @seatsfordeparture,

    Thank you for granting us access to your WP Admin.

    Unfortunately, it seems the password you gave me is incorrect. Can you check the password and send it back to me, please?


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    Ah no that was the password to protect the website. I would never give access the the wp-admin area to anyone. When I asked your help previously you never asked for this so may I ask you why?
    Anyway I am not gonna give my data away so please tell how I should fix this this issue by myself. Thank you very much.

    Themosaurus Support
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    Hi @seatsfordeparture,

    We asked you this to investigate and find out where this issue’s coming from.

    Unfortunately, this plugin is not supported by our theme. I took the liberty to move your topic to the Feature Requests forum, in which we store and discuss integration or feature addition with our community.

    We will implement this feature if other community members grow interest for it and upvote your request.

    We’ll keep you informed. Thank you very much for contributing to your theme!

    Best regards,

    Themosaurus Support
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    Thank you for sharing this idea with our community.

    Your idea would have been a nice addition to our theme but unfortunately, this feature request hasn’t received any upvote from other community members in months. Sadly, we have to decline it as we are trying to keep this forum tidy.

    We really appreciate your enthusiasm when using our products. Feel free to keep on sharing other ideas that might be integrated in the future.

    Best regards,

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