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Which Plugins do I need to Seamlessly flow within Paid Membership Pro? I have se

Find Answers and Get Support Forums Gwangi – PRO Multi-Purpose Membership, Social Network & BuddyPress Community Theme Compatible Plugins Paid Memberships Pro Which Plugins do I need to Seamlessly flow within Paid Membership Pro? I have se

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  • Combinc
    • 4 Topics
    • 11 Posts

    There are few things I need to ask about which Plugins I would need to have these certain things happen.
    I am using the PaidMembership Pro (Free Version) . I know I will most likely need to upgrade to the Paid version for the most of my needs.

    Crystal Free, Green, Rose Gold, Violet and Contributor Memberships.

    Crystal Free Account Level
    — How do I not show the matches on this membership level?
    ⁃ What plug-in do I need to have pay per post?

    Green Membership Account Level
    -This will be at the level where the members would not have full access to the Blog/article posting, but have a fee for each blog posted. ( See the next Membership Level for the Plugin)
    But they will be able to read and comment on Blogs etc.

    Rose Gold Membership Account Level
    What Plug-in do I need for members to be able to
    –Create/post their own blog/articles from the frontend? I have downloaded the Free version of User Frontend. How do I attach to the PaidMembership Pro Levels?. Do I need the Paid User Frontend?
    Also with the User Frontend plug-in would the post go to the Comb Inc General Blog page or will it create the members own Blog page within the site?
    I don’t want the client to have to sign into several different plugins. I want it to be seamless through the Paid Membership Pro registration process.

    Violet Membership Account Level
    What plugins do I need to have the member to create from the frontend and be attached to the PaidMembership Pro Registration process?
    –Create, Sell Tickets to their in house Advanced Education / Events?
    Which would show up on Comb Incs HUB Page Calendar.
    –Create / Sell Courses : For Advance Education or Video
    I want to be able to profit off the sales of the tickets. Is there a plugin which can do this?

    Contributor Membership Account Level
    This is basically the affiliate membership where they will get the same membership as the Violet level but make affiliate fee off whomever they send and signs up for a paid membership level. What plugin do I need for this?

    I would like all this to be able to go through the Paid Membership Pro levels when registering. I don’t want the members to have to sign in and out of different plugins.

    I hope I am making sense.

    Themosaurus Support
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    Hi Combinc,

    Thank you for reaching out to us. 🙂

    We thank you for bring these requests to our attention. We’re glad to answer any question related with the setup of our theme. However, it is very difficult for us to provide the best support possible and to keep track of issues and their resolution if so many questions are asked in the same topic.
    Moreover, it’s easier for us to share the resolution for a single issue with other members of our community facing the same problem.

    So, could you split your questions into different topics, please? One question/feature/membership level = one topic.
    By doing this, you will be making a great contribution to this forum, and we thank you very much for that!

    You cannot (yet) disable the MatchPress matching feature for your free level membership. Please be aware that this feature was requested in our feature request forum. You will be happy to know that this compatibility is currently under development. Don’t hesitate to subscribe this topic to be aware when the compatibility with PMPro will be made.

    Superlikes depends of the membership plan

    Thank you.

    🍾  2022 is coming ! 🥂
    From December 25, 2021 until the January 2, 2022 included, our support forum will be closed as our team will be enjoying Christmas and New Year’s Eve with their families. We’ll be back on January 3, 2022. Be sure that we’ll do our best to manage all your topics as soon as possible.
    We thank you for your understanding and we wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

    Themosaurus Support
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    • 6690 Posts

    Hi Combinc,

    We have recently released a new add-on for MatchPress plugin to make the compatibility with Paid Memberships Pro plugin. To know more about this add-on, don’t hesitate to visit the MatchPress for Paid Memberships Pro plugin page.

    After installing MatchPress and PMPro, this add-on will make the compatibility. We hope it will suit your needs. 🙂

    Kindest regards,

    🍾  2022 is coming ! 🥂
    From December 25, 2021 until the January 2, 2022 included, our support forum will be closed as our team will be enjoying Christmas and New Year’s Eve with their families. We’ll be back on January 3, 2022. Be sure that we’ll do our best to manage all your topics as soon as possible.
    We thank you for your understanding and we wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

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