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Widgets dosen’t look right

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  • Katrine
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    I was missing the BuddyPress widgets on my site and wasn’t able to find them – so I went diggin’ online for answers.
    I did install BP Classic, that fixed and implementet the widgets (loved it!) – Unfortnuatly the plugin had a compatibility issue with the Content Control.
    This plugin is too important to me, since it makes sure that every page that Paid Membership Pro didn’t cover was taken care of (with permissions).

    Then I was looking at the Cera Demo, but couldn’t understand that there was no widgets on any of the BP pages?
    I then looked under widgets and noticed that there is both a Grimlock Author Avatar and Group widget – so I decided to add them to the sidebar.
    They seem to have the intention of doing what the old widgets do, but something is missing – they don’t show up correct (same issue on clean install).

    Do you guys have a fix for this? 🙂

    Thank you!


    Themosaurus Support
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    Hi there,

    Thanks for getting in touch!

    We provide support only during Belgian business hours (Monday to Friday, from 8:30 am – 5:30 pm CEST), and our current response time can be up to 1 business day. We’ve received your request and we’ll get you an answer ASAP.

    We really thank you for your patience!

    In the meantime, feel free to check out our documentation resources for more help:

    Kind regards,

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    Also, they dosen’t really work – the member one dosen’t allow me to pick a user role – it resets it back to “subscriber” everytime I save the widget.


    Themosaurus Support
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    Hi there,

    Thanks for getting in touch!

    We provide support only during Belgian business hours (Monday to Friday, from 8:30 am – 5:30 pm CEST), and our current response time can be up to 1 business day. We’ve received your request and we’ll get you an answer ASAP.

    We really thank you for your patience!

    In the meantime, feel free to check out our documentation resources for more help:

    Kind regards,

    Themosaurus Support
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    Hi Katrine,

    Thank you for bringing this to our attention. We will investigate further to find from where this issue is coming from and how we can help you.

    We will be back to you ASAP.

    Thank you for your patience.


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    That would be awesome.. I also did reach out to the BP Classic plugin, since that would solve the issues (also from Legacy to Nouveau template issue).
    The only issue is that the “new” setup looks at tage pages as blocks and for some reason BuddyPress activity, group and member directories are not protected.

    If that could be solved then the BP Classic would fix the widgets too..

    You might want to test that plugin out in order to see the design of the old widgets (if needed) 🙂

    This would also be nice to add to your compatibility plugins (since it only got an issue with another 3rd party plugin and not your theme).

    So for “normal” people that plugin would fix a lot of the issues – but I need the “Grimlock” / core that is fixed for the theme in order to keep my permission setup 🙂

    Hope it makes sense? 😀

    For everyone else who might was to use the old BuddyPress Styling:

    Themosaurus Support
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    Hi there,

    Thanks for getting in touch!

    We provide support only during Belgian business hours (Monday to Friday, from 8:30 am – 5:30 pm CEST), and our current response time can be up to 1 business day. We’ve received your request and we’ll get you an answer ASAP.

    We really thank you for your patience!

    In the meantime, feel free to check out our documentation resources for more help:

    Kind regards,

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    Not sure if their file could “easily” be implementet into the grimlock folder somehow. 🙂

    The following:

    // BP Widgets
    // @version 4.0.0
    .buddypress.widget {
    	.item-options {
    		@include font-size(12);
    		margin: 0 0 1em;
    		padding: 1em 0;
    	.bp-login-widget-user-avatar {
    		float: left;
    	.bp-login-widget-user-links {
    		margin-left: 70px;
    	ul.item-list {
    		list-style: none;
    		margin: $marg-sml 0;
    	ul.activity-list {
    		padding: 0;
    		blockquote {
    			margin: 0 0 1.5em;
    			overflow: visible;
    			padding: 0 0 0.75em 0.75em;
    		img {
    			margin-bottom: 0.5em;
    		li {
    			border-bottom: 1px solid $primary-grey;
    			margin-bottom: 1em;
    			.activity-header p {
    				margin-bottom: 0.5em;
    			&:last-child {
    				border-bottom: 0;
    	div.activity-list {
    		blockquote {
    			padding: 0;
    			border: none;
    			.activity-item {
    				&:not(.mini) {
    					position: relative;
    					box-shadow: 1px 0 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15);
    					padding: 0 1em;
    					&:before {
    						position: absolute;
    						left: 15px;
    						display: block;
    						width: 0;
    						height: 0;
    						border-style: solid;
    						border-color: transparent;
    						content: "";
    					&:before {
    						bottom: -18px;
    						border-top-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15);
    						border-width: 9px;
    						left: 14px;
    					&:after {
    						bottom: -16px;
    						border-top-color: #fff;
    						border-width: 8px;
    				&.mini {
    					.avatar {
    						display: inline-block;
    						width: 20px;
    						height: 20px;
    						vertical-align: middle;
    						margin-right: 2px;
    		footer {
    			display: flex;
    			align-items: center;
    			img.avatar {
    				display: inline-block;
    				border: none;
    				margin-right: 0.5em;
    			.activity-time-since {
    				font-size: 90%;
    	.avatar-block {
    		@include flex-box-dir($flex-dir: row, $flex-wrap: wrap);
    		img {
    			margin: 0.5em;
    	ul#members-list {
    		@include clearfix-element("li");
    		li {
    			margin-bottom: 1em;
    			.item-avatar {
    				float: left;
    				width: 60px;
    			.item {
    				margin-left: 70px;
    // BP Widgets in Main content area.
    // User's and Group's widgetized default home pages.
    .buddypress-wrap {
    	.buddypress.widget {
    		ul#members-list {
    			@include flex-box-dir($flex-dir: column);
    			@include medium-small-up() {
    				@include flex-box-dir($flex-dir: row, $flex-wrap: wrap);
    			li {
    				border: 1px solid $bp-border-color;
    				@include flex-align();
    				@include box-item-size($grow: 1, $basis: 46%);
    				@include large-up() {
    					@include box-item-size($grow: 0, $basis: 20%);
    				margin: 2%;
    				.item-avatar {
    					padding: $pad-sml;
    					text-align: center;
    				.item {
    					padding: $pad-sml;
    					.item-meta {
    						@include font-size(12);
    						overflow-wrap: break-word;
    			} // close li
    			@include large-up() {
    				margin: $marg-sml -2%;
    				width: 100%;
    				li {
    					@include box-item-size($grow: 0, $basis: auto);
    					margin: $marg-sml 2% 1%;
    					width: 46%;
    		blockquote {
    			margin: 0 0 1.5em;
    			overflow: visible;
    			padding: 0 0 0.75em 0.75em;
    Themosaurus Support
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    Hi there,

    Thanks for getting in touch!

    We provide support only during Belgian business hours (Monday to Friday, from 8:30 am – 5:30 pm CEST), and our current response time can be up to 1 business day. We’ve received your request and we’ll get you an answer ASAP.

    We really thank you for your patience!

    In the meantime, feel free to check out our documentation resources for more help:

    Kind regards,

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    This is what the widgets look like, if people decide to use the “old” ones by downloading the BP Classic plugin for the correct compatibility with Buddypress.

    Themosaurus Support
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    Hi there,

    Thanks for getting in touch!

    We provide support only during Belgian business hours (Monday to Friday, from 8:30 am – 5:30 pm CEST), and our current response time can be up to 1 business day. We’ve received your request and we’ll get you an answer ASAP.

    We really thank you for your patience!

    In the meantime, feel free to check out our documentation resources for more help:

    Kind regards,

    Themosaurus Support
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    Hi Katrine,

    Thank you for your feedback.

    The widget Grimlock Authors Avatar cannot be used currently in a small area like in the dashboard. However, we agree that it would be nice to be able to use it this way.

    I’m afraid that we cannot allow this simply with a snippet, we’ll have to add a new layout in this block : “One column” layout.

    Please note that I took the liberty to move this topic to our Feature Requests forum. As your idea could be a nice addition to our theme, we will implement this feature if other community members upvote your request.

    We’ll keep you informed. Thank you very much for contributing to this theme!

    Best regards,

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    I would assume that i was able to use it as a widget when it’s under the widget area – also the group one looks wierd too – so I can’t use any of them?

    Not even the Grimlock BuddyPress Groups Section?

    So there are no options for similar widgets? – unless people use the BP Classic plugin to “get the old widgets from buddypress” back?

    Themosaurus Support
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    You can use these widgets, but not in a small column like in the dashboard.

    In full width, all should work fine. 🙂

    Themosaurus Support
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    Concerning the issue where you were not able to pick a user role, do you still face this issue ? We can’t reproduce this. Do you get that with any role ?

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    I wasn’t trying to add it to the dashboard, but just the BuddyPress Sidebar (where I would assume BuddyPress widgets would belong) lol..
    I can’t really see where else I would be able to use them? – normally you’d inset shortcodes, not widgets other than in widget areas? 😀

    Yes it’s still an issue and it dosen’t matter if I choose any of the “original roles” like admin, editor etc – every single one just overwrites with subscriber once it’s saved.

    Themosaurus Support
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    To help you understand, let me tell you a little story… 😂

    Several years ago, at the beginning of Cera, before the Gutenberg era, pages were built with widgets using the Easy Custom Sidebar plugin. All Grimlock widgets were designed to be displayed on pages, and only the standard BuddyPress blocks were used in the sidebar.

    Then came Gutenberg and its huge possibilities. Grimlock widgets evolved to become blocks, so now you can find the Grimlock Author Avatars Section block and add it to your pages. However, the widgets are still there, which is why you can add them to the widget area. But as explained, they were not designed to be added to small areas like sidebars or dashboards.

    I understand that you might want to use them in specific widget areas. You should know that widgets are meant to disappear, so we’ll only add a new layout to the widgets if other users express their interest.

    Concerning your issue, please allow me some time to investigate. Are we free to deactivate plugins for our tests? In this case, I invite you to make a backup before we investigate your website further in order to make sure you don’t loose any data if something goes wrong.

    Thank you.

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    That makes total sense lol! .. xD – Thanks for the clearification on that part. 😀

    I’m currently troubleshooting an issue myself with the “activity comment section” showing some content for a split second every time page is reloaded – so would need a minute to troubleshoot the plugins myself by deactivating a few too..

    I’ll let you know when I’m done. 😀

    Themosaurus Support
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    Ok, we’ll wait. 🙂

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    Oh well.. can’t seem to pin-point the issue – other than it might be because the page loads “too fast”..
    Anyways.. The site is all yours to test – but please use the troubleshooter under “site health”. 🙂

    Themosaurus Support
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    Seems this issue is related to a snippet you added : Disable Widget Blocks (use Classic Widgets)$

    It displays the old Widget Grimlock authors avatars, while it should be the Grimlock Authors Avatar Section block that should be used instead. Do you really need this snippet ? I recommend you not to use it. :/


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    Does this also fix the issue with them “looking wierd” – or is this still the issue? – The other widgets (section etc) looks great – but I HATE the way the new widget pages look and it makes everything so confusing – so I normally use it for it to be more user-friendly to navigate and setup 😀

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    I just turned that off – and now the BuddyPress widgets looks amazing again – 2 problems solved – I’ll get used to the wierd setup (I HOPE) – but so far it’s awesome!

    Thank you SO much! 😀

    Themosaurus Support
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    Glad to read this Katrine! It’s better to avoid using the old widgets, whatever the plugin. Blocks are the future! 💪🏻

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