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Youzer – Buddypress Community & WordPress User Profile Plugin

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  • Maks Rusakovič
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    Vote for this plugin.
    Youzer – Buddypress Community & WordPress User Profile Plugin

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    I think an excellent idea

    • 16 Topics
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    This idea is awesome, I just bought it and you will archive a lot of things that are actually broken as plugins and also close many requests as:
    -Online status on profile
    -post counts
    -buddypress tab sorting on profile
    … and much more!

    I request support also at youzer, they might send me a fix so that we can use both together. I will update on here about the result!

    anyway – vote vote vote!

    • 16 Topics
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    the youzer developer said it’s too much work from his side and I should ask you,
    but I had a look myself and after a while I found it.

    it was easy to solve because the only real problem was that the plugin is not working with “display: flex”

    here the fix:
    ul.item-list > li > div:first-of-type {
    display: block!important;
    .media, #buddypress #activity-stream .activity-item, ul.item-list > li {
    display: block!important;

    The youzer developer seems to help me with the last bit, forum and activity pages.
    It would be great if you could help me with the filter buttons after that:

    / @themoceratops / @themopteryx

    With this plugin supported, you will have:
    -online status in directory and profile
    -badeges in directory
    -mycred support
    -social wall
    -like and emoji support
    -additional kinds of activity updates
    -private profiles
    -custom tabs (for profiles)
    -an awesome addition of content aware sidebars (btw – I could need your help there too with another plugin, a few are messed up)

    and much more 🙂

    and there are only a few themes official supporting it so far, if you talk to the developer, they probably even cooperate with you 😉

    Themosaurus Support
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    Hi @surrealer,

    Youzer compatibility was already subject to internal discussions lately and we have finally decided that it will be made compatible with Gwangi in a future update 🙂 This would indeed a huge improvement to the visual, social and interactive aspects of BuddyPress while adding a lot of useful features.

    However, I’m afraid you will have to wait for the compatibility update to be released, we can unfortunately not help you much to make it compatible right now.

    Also, even though this compatibility update has good priority in our roadmap, please note it isn’t our highest priority right now. It will also most likely take a good amount of time to test, patch, and make sure everything works correctly because as you have probably observed, Youzer is packed with loads of different options and features (it is unfortunately not as easy as changing a few lines of CSS). So while we will do our best to bring this update as soon as possible, please don’t expect to see it too soon.

    Thank you for your valuable feedback and your enthusiasm for our theme! 😀

    Best regards,

    David BDJ
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    @themoceratops do you have any public roadmap ?

    Themosaurus Support
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    Hi @billdjango,

    The support for Youzer has already been added to Gwangi since v1.3.0. Updating your theme and all the required plugins to the latest version should fix your issue.

    To update your theme, you can download and install the Envato Market plugin ( on your WordPress site. Once the plugin is installed and activated, go to “Envato Market” in your admin menu and follow the instructions under “Activate Envato API Connection”. When this is done, you will see your purchased themes under the “Themes” tab and you should be able to update your Gwangi theme from there by clicking the “Update available” button.

    We don’t have a public roadmap on our support website. However, we do provide a changelog for each release. It’s displayed on our TF page and in your WP dashboard. Just navigate to “Appearance > About Gwangi > Changelog” to discover all recent changes.

    Please note that the current topic is not closed yet because we’re not allowed to advertise Youzer support yet. The plugin author refuses to offer support for dating website as it’s against his religious beliefs. With Gwangi 2.0, we’re currently working on expanding the support of websites outside the dating niche and creating new demos. V2.0 will include a Youzer skin and one click demo install.


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