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Blocks not showin in edit mode

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  • Catarina Ferreira
    • 5 Topics
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    I’m loving this theme, but I’m having two major issues.

    1 – First, it’s freezing every once in a while when I’m working on it. It’s not slow at all, but I just lose connection. I already checked the topic: so I’ll try to work it out when I can, guessing it’s the one that should help.
    2 – Then, it’s this preview blocks not showing. I’m using Getwid, I think, but as you can see from the picture below, from time to time I can’t edit some blocks as it shows a preview error. Only solution is refresh and maybe, with luck, it will show, though most of the times it never does. Or erase and do another one. Which I did, until it blocked too. lol
    How can I solve this problem? It’s giving me a lot of headache.

    And even a 3rd one, just a question really. How do I add the possibility to add a cover image to articles. I had that option on one article but I don’t in any new one I create. How do I change what I want to be in standard posts, or even pages. I can’t seem to know where to create a default one.

    Thank you,


    Themosaurus Support
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    Hi Catarina,

    Thank you for buying our theme. We hope it will meet all your expectations! 🙂

    I’m not sure to understand exactly your first issue. Note that it is very difficult for us to provide the best support possible and to keep track of issues and their resolution if so many questions are asked in the same topic. Moreover, it’s easier for us to share the resolution for a single issue with other members of our community facing the same problem.

    So, could you move your first question into a different topic, please? One question = one topic.
    By doing this, you will be making a great contribution to this forum, and we thank you very much for that!

    Concerning the error, it is very likely caused by a server misconfiguration. It might be a module that is missing on your server that might cause this issue. We suggest you to reach your host and ask them to activate the “mime_magic” module on your server.

    Don’t hesitate to keep us up to date about this issue. In case activating this module doesn’t solve this error, please come back to us.

    Thank you.

    Catarina Ferreira
    • 5 Topics
    • 21 Posts

    Hi Manathan,

    1. Ok, apologies for the confusion. I will create a new topic if I see the performance issues continue. (Site just keeps freezing and stopping me from editing or posting, basically, it’s overloaded).

    2. Already sent a ticket to the host concerning the blocks issue. Let’s see how it goes!

    3. I searched for the best place to address this issue, but honestly I’m not sure there’s one in the Forum. It’s really just a question.
    I can’t seem to add featured images to some posts or pages. Where can I make sure that option shows? Related pics are below, where one page let’s me put a featured image and the other doesn’t.
    Please tell me where’s the best forum spot to post this issue

    Thank you,

    Catarina Ferreira
    • 5 Topics
    • 21 Posts

    Ok, belay that. The image issue seems to be a WordPress thing, according to one of our WordPress experts. Stupid issue.

    Will keep you posted!

    Catarina Ferreira
    • 5 Topics
    • 21 Posts

    Still having issues with the blocks. 🙁 Previews on edit are not working and I just really can’t edit a few of them.

    Catarina Ferreira
    • 5 Topics
    • 21 Posts

    I should add that this seems to be happening only with the Grimlock sections.

    Themosaurus Support
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    Hi Catarina,

    Thank you for your feedback.

    Grimlock Blocks use this module I told you about. Waiting the feedback of your host provider relating to the Mime_magic module, please activate logging on your website. To help us getting clues and find a solution to this issue, just turn WP_DEBUG to true, by pasting the following code lines in your wp-config.php file, just before the line that says ‘That’s all, stop editing! Happy blogging.’:

    // Enable WP_DEBUG mode
    define( 'WP_DEBUG', true );
    // Enable Debug logging to the /wp-content/debug.log file
    define( 'WP_DEBUG_LOG', true );
    // Disable display of errors and warnings 
    define( 'WP_DEBUG_DISPLAY', false );
    @ini_set( 'display_errors', 0 );

    More on this in the following topic: Debugging in WordPress.

    Then, could you please try to reproduce error? This time, thanks to the code snippet that you’ve recently added to your wp-config.php file, we should be able to read the error. Could you share the content of your debug.log file with us please? You can post the content of this file as plain text in your next reply and mark it as private to keep this between us.

    After having reviewed your next reply, we’ll be able to tell you if the issue is caused by our product, a third party plugin or any type misconfiguration on your server.

    If we’re not able to help, we’ll recommend you to transfer the error logs to the plugin author or to your server hosting support.

    Concerning your issue with featured images, I can take a look. In case you need that we investigate, you can create this topic here: Website Setup > Pages.

    Note that in case you’re not really sure about the location of a topic, you can still post it in any place. We always make sure the topics of our users are in the right place and move them if necessary.


    Catarina Ferreira
    • 5 Topics
    • 21 Posts

    Hey again!

    This has been quite frustrating. We contacted our host, they made the changes. We also followed your directions. We got all plugins installed, we fill all requirements. Our issue seems to be similar to this one raised by another client:

    We can’t seem to figure out what’s wrong.

    It only happens with the Grimlock blocks.

    Any other suggestions?

    Themosaurus Support
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    Hi Catarina,

    Thank you for your feedback.

    Can you confirm me you added the php snippet to your wp-config.php? In that case, we’ll be able to read the error and find out what’s going on.

    Once these lines are added, as explained in my previous answer, you have to share the content of your debug.log
    file with us please? You can post the content of this file as plain text in your next reply and mark it as private to keep this between us.

    We’re waiting for your logs.


    Catarina Ferreira
    • 5 Topics
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    This reply has been marked as private.
    Themosaurus Support
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    Themosaurus Support
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    Thank you Catarina,

    We’ll investigate to find out from where this issue is coming from. We’ll be back to you as soon as possible.


    Themosaurus Support
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    Could you please tell us if you’re using WordFence plugin? In that case, could you deactivate it and try again to make sure this issue is not related to this plugin?


    Catarina Ferreira
    • 5 Topics
    • 21 Posts


    Nop. Not using that Plugin. Gonna send a list btw of what we have.

    Themosaurus Support
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    Hi Catarina,

    Thank you for your feedback.

    It’s best if we take a quick look at this. Could you create a new website user for us please? If possible with administrator capabilities so we can make a quick check of your settings.
    You can post the user name and password in your next reply and mark it as private to keep this between us.

    Also, are we free to deactivate plugins for our tests? In this case, I invite you to make a backup before we investigate your website further in order to make sure you don’t loose any data if something goes wrong.

    Thank you.

    Catarina Ferreira
    • 5 Topics
    • 21 Posts

    Hi Manathan,

    Of course. Please send an e-mail address to invite you.

    Well, we can do a backup. Hopefully it will make sure the work I already did with blocks and all will be saved. :’)


    Themosaurus Support
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    This reply has been marked as private.
    Catarina Ferreira
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    This reply has been marked as private.
    Themosaurus Support
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    Thank you for granting us access to your WP Admin Catarina. 🙂

    We will investigate further to find from where this issue is coming from.

    We will be back to you ASAP.

    Thank you for your patience.


    Catarina Ferreira
    • 5 Topics
    • 21 Posts

    Thank you. Hoping you can find it tomorrow. If not, oh well. xD

    We’re hoping to launch March 28th and this has been one of the issues holding us.

    Also, I noticed today new updates are up, but didn’t do them as you were starting to check things soon. We usually keep everything up to date. 🙂

    Will be waiting for news. Have a good evening.

    Themosaurus Support
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    Hi Catarina,

    After taking a look at your website, I can see there are a lot of “503 Service Unavailable” errors happening randomly when the block previews are trying to load. These errors are not WordPress errors, but come directly from the hosting server.

    Knowing that, I’m afraid you will have to contact your hosting provider about this issue, as this isn’t an error related with the theme or plugins.

    As a potentially quicker alternative, I believe trying a different hosting provider could also be a solution.

    Please don’t hesitate to keep us updated about the state of this issue.

    Hope this helps !

    Best regards,

    Catarina Ferreira
    • 5 Topics
    • 21 Posts

    Hi Jason, thanks for keeping us posted.

    I’m so sorry to hear this. Our resources are limited, and as I sent a ticket to our hosting provider, I’m afraid they will suggest an upgrade.

    We believed PHP values would be the only thing to solve as we bought the theme, and this provider allows to change those values. I hope at least an upgrade can solve things.

    Thank you for the help, and I’ll come back with news when I have them.

    All the best,

    Themosaurus Support
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    Hi Catarina,

    I’m glad to read Jason was able to provide you some information about this issue.

    We hope your hosting provider will be able to help you in time for your launching day!


Roboraptor 🦖
Themosaurus Topic Closer

Hi there,

This topic has been inactive for a while now so we will be closing it to keep the forum tidy. Don't hesitate to create a new topic if you still need help and we'll be glad to help you!

Best regards,
The Themosaurus team.

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