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Edit/Customize Forum Page-Create multiple custom Forum Pages with Elementor Pro

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  • Dahta
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    We’d like to customize our Cera Forum Pages as well as create multiple custom Pages for each of our Forums using Elementor Pro.

    We’ve researched this issue for several days — you actually addressed some aspects of our issue here:

    We can’t edit Forum Page

    However the screenshot that was provided is no longer visible (“Sorry the content area was not found in your page”).

    Question 1:
    Is there a way to CHANGE the primary Page Builder “after” installation and setup? If so please provide steps/instructions to do this.

    Question 2:
    Any other steps needed to customize/modify the Forum Pages?

    Themosaurus Support
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    Hi Dahta,

    Thank you for buying our theme. We hope it will meet all your expectations! 🙂

    Be sure our theme is compatible with Elementor.

    Please be aware that our demo have been build with Gutenberg editor. It is the default editor for WordPress and is recommended for many reasons, including its ease of use, speed and lightness. To know more about how to use Gutenberg, I think this article from WP Beginner might help you: How to Use the WordPress Block Editor.

    You should know that we have developed our own blocks called Grimlock (Grimlock Section, Grimlock Query, Grimlock Posts, Grimlock Divider, …). These blocks will give you a lot of customization possibilities. You shouldn’t feel limited.

    Note that we use widgets in our theme, more precisely in the footer. You will be able to use the customizer to change the look and add widgets in the widget areas defined by our theme. Both Grimlock widgets and Grimlock blocks have the same characteristics.

    Elementor is quite heavy to use. However, in case you would like to edit your pages with this editor, we wrote an article in our documentation that might catch your attention:

    Installing the Elementor Demo Version Manually

    Concerning the forums pages, please be aware that there are managed by bbPress. For this reason, you can’t edit these pages using Gutenberg or Elementor. However, our theme offers some features to customize the forums. Please go to Customize > bbPress.

    I hope this will help you. Don’t hesitate to come back to us if you have other questions.


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    First off – we purchased the Cera Theme and are using the Youzify demo layout which your website says is FULLY compatible and supported for Elementor and Elementor Pro.

    Also – we looked at the options in bbPress–>settings and it provides very limited ability to customize the Forum Page.

    We need to create a NEW page layout – which bbPress says is possible – but we need guidance from Themosaurus since this is YOUR theme.

    Info on the bbPress website indicates that it is possible to create a custom layout for bbPress Forum Page.
    Also your response to a similar question that someone asked seemed to indicate that you would have to set the primary Page Editor for bbPress to Elementor in order to create a custom page.

    So to clarify we want to CREATE a new custom forum page as it seems this will be the best option for getting the layout/design we need.

    ***(See attached screenshot of your previous answer)***

    Question: How to create a NEW custom Forum Page for the Cera Theme?

    Themosaurus Support
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    Hi Dahta,

    Thank you for your feedback.

    Yes, of course. Our theme is compatible with both Elementor and its pro version.

    However, our demo have been build with Gutenberg editor. In consequence, the imported content will be aimed at this editor. It doesn’t mean you can’t use Elementor, it means you can use either Gutemberg or Elementor. In case you would like to use Gutenberg, the demo is ready after the theme setup. In case you would like to use Elementor, you just need to follow severals extra steps like explained in the article I send you. Simply import the provided templates like explained in this article from our documentation: Installing the Elementor Demo version Manually.

    As the forums are managed by bbPress itself, you can’t edit this page using Gutenberg, or even Elementor. In the screenshot you send me, the user was facing an issue that is usually caused when the wrong page template is selected. When you want to edit a page with Elementor, you need to use a dedicated page template like the Elementor Full Width. However, the answer was not related to this issue and I understand it might be confusing.

    The forum page cannot be changed using Customizer options or some code snippet that we could provide. To change this feature on your website, the best practice is to create your own child theme and override the template. For more about creating child themes, please read the following post: Creating a Child Theme.

    In other words, this feature requires custom development work. If you have never done this before, we recommend you to require the services from a nearby web developer or from Fiverr. This web platform gives you access to developers who already have experience with theme customizations, and for very competitive prices.

    Disclaimer : we have no affiliation with Fiverr and are only recommending it as a starting point and a popular option for those who might not be sure where to look when in need of some custom work.

    Let me know if you need more explanations.

    Best regards,

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    Hmmm…. okay — I think I understand – but seems REALLY strange that your themes have deep customization features but VIRTUALLY none for the FORUMS!!!

    In fact – the current Cera forum page is VERY DATED and NOT VISUALLY APPEALING AT ALL! Perhaps something your Dev folks can look into for FUTURE updates. It almost seems that the Forum Page was an afterthought — but as you know almost all use cases for WordPress rely heavily on robust features and customization for Forum Pages.

    Anyway – we’re considering a slightly different approach than going with a Child Theme as Child Themes are considered POOR approach for modern WordPress installations.

    We would PREFER to simply go with a Forum Plugin instead – that is if we can find one that is compatible with Cera Theme or at worse case does not conflict or break other parts of the Cera Theme. This of course would mean that we would NOT use the Cera Forum Page at all.

    Any thoughts on this approach?

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    We understand that Cera theme uses the bbPress Plugin — we wouldn’t REPLACE the bbPress Plugin but simply ADD a new Forum Plugin and use it instead of bbPress. Just wanted to clarify that we don’t need to replace bbPress – but simply use a different Forum Plugin instead.

    Would this be a viable option as opposed to going with a Child Theme?

    Themosaurus Support
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    Hi Dahta,

    We remind you that a theme affects the presentation and visual style of your site, while plugins add all kinds of features and functionalities. Can you please share a screenshot of your forum page? I’m wondering if something might be going wrong on your website. Does the forum page looks like our demo?

    If bbPress doesn’t suits you need, you can indeed change for another plugin. I suggest you to take a look at this article from WPBeginner: 10 Best WordPress Forum Plugins. We made bbPress plugin compatible with our theme as it is the most popular. However, the theme doesn’t need bbPress to work. For this reason, you can install another third party plugin mentioned in the article I send you. Note that the plugin of your choice might not have been tested with our theme, but everything should work correctly.

    Don’t hesitate to share your feedback using another forum plugin. It might help other users who want to use a different forum plugin. Moreover, if you encounter a styling problem with the plugin of your choice, please let us know so that we can consider making that plugin compatible with our theme if other users mark their interest.


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    Thanks for the info as well as the Plugin Link – we’ll certainly take a look at those and update everyone here if we decide to go with a different Forum Plugin.

    We will share our Forum Page in a separate private reply for you to review.

    thanks again

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    Themosaurus Support
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    Hi Dahta,

    Thank you for your feedback.

    I took a look and it seems something is going wrong. As you can see in our forum page of our Cera Intranet demo, you don’t have the exact same layout:

    Can you please confirm me Grimlock for bbPress plugin is installed and activated? It seems I can’t access the dashboard to check.


Roboraptor 🦖
Themosaurus Topic Closer

Hi there,

This topic has been inactive for a while now so we will be closing it to keep the forum tidy. Don't hesitate to create a new topic if you still need help and we'll be glad to help you!

Best regards,
The Themosaurus team.

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