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How do I edit pages?

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  • Brendan
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    I am completely confused and lost about what Grimlock does. On pages such as this: The back end is blank, and seems to not be the source of whats displaying on the page. So how do you edit what is there? In Customizer I am not finding a way to do it. Am I missing a plugin or what?

    Themosaurus Support
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    Hi @wervil, 🙂

    To know more about Grimlock, please click on the following link:

    Is the Grimlock Plugin Required for the Theme to Fully Function?

    My best guess is that your issue might probably caused by some conflicting third party plugin or some extra code snippet as we don’t encounter this issue with our demos.

    Could you deactivate all plugins that have not been installed with your theme during its setup and all existing custom PHP code snippets please? And then, could you confirm me that the issue is still persisting please?

    Please also make sure that you have the latest theme version and that all recommended plugins are up-to-date. Finally, you could also consider clearing all activated caching system as well as your browser cache before investigating any further.

    We’re waiting for your feedback.

    Thank you.

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    At the moment I had only two pretty lightweight plugins installed that are outside of the recommended and required plugins for Cera. I deactivated those and there was still no blue pencil to be found in the customizer on that member directory page. At no time did I assign a location for the member search that i created, it just appeared on the member directory page. so thats a little odd. Now, there is also the Kirki Customizer plugin that I don’t know anything about. may that have something to do with it? Thanks for your prompt replies.

    I may not really need this page, I haven’t really investigated it but I would rather structure the site to have member directories available within the groups as opposed to a global member directory. Is that possible?

    Themosaurus Support
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    Hi @wervil, 🙂

    Can you tell me if you’ve chosen Elementor as your primary page builder, please?

    Note that you already have a Members item in the group menu. This allows you to see all the members registered in the group.

    Please find the attached screenshot.


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    I’ve never used Elementor, I dont know if its enabled somewhere in the theme but I dont have it as a plugin. To be honest I am pretty experienced as a web designer and I have always used CSS. Recently I used WPBakery on a site, and it was fine. I’m not opposed to using Elementor if the site is reliant on it. All I know is in the back end, the page in question has no content, and yet on the front end there is a search and a member directory, so I dont know what is generating that, unless it is hard coded in the template? I haven’t looked at the template yet though,


    Themosaurus Support
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    Hi @wervil,

    Thank you for your feedback. 🙂

    I asked you if you use Elementor because our theme is compatible with this page builder. Note that you don’t need to use Elementor, to find the solution, I just needed to know which page builder you were using.

    If I understand well your issue, the member search form is visible on the member directory page and it shouldn’t be. This form should be displayed if you click on a specific button. Please find the attached screenshot.

    As you told me you didn’t install third party plugin or used some extra code snippet, our best guess is that something went wrong during the import. It’s recommended to address the issue right now as it might lead to other problems in the future.

    In this case, we really suggest you to reset your WordPress database using WP Reset ( and start fresh with our setup wizard.

    You can easily install the theme by relaunching the setup wizard, as it will programmatically do every steps for you.

    Can I ask you which version of the theme have you got, please? Please make sure that you have the latest theme version and that all recommended plugins are up-to-date.


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    This doesn’t sound like a good solution to me, You are really asking me to redo all the work ive done on this site? I dont have time for that. I have a deadline. Ive already done a lot of work on the site to get it to where it is, I can’t afford to start form scratch on this. What if that doesnt work? what basis do you have for asking me to restart the site from scratch like its no big deal? What problems down the road are you referring to?

    Themosaurus Support
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    Thank you for your feedback @wervil. 🙂

    I didn’t know you did a lot of work. However, you don’t have to redo all the work you’ve done as you can easily make a backup of your website to make sure you don’t loose any data. This way, after the reset of your website and the installation, you can import your content and custom style.

    As I told you, our best guess was that something went wrong during the import. If this is indeed the case, it’s recommended to address and fix the issue right now as it might lead to other problems in the future. This is why we really suggest you to reset your WordPress database using WP Reset ( and start fresh with our setup wizard.

    Note that if this issue is not resolved with a new install of your website, you can easily install your entire backup.

    I’m waiting for your feedback. 🙂


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    I see. Well let me try to wrap my head around this. When I do as you say how will I import the customizations back to get the site structure I had. I havent added content, just constructed groups, some test users, reordered the menu, and deleted unwanted pages. It may not seem like a lot but I am juggling a lot of site builds at the moment and this stuff actually took me a lot of time to fit into my schedule. I dont want to even have to recreate the groups, and upload the blasted icons and background images that I spent getting just right. I just want to continue from where I left off. Forgive me but I have rarely handled importing operations.

    Themosaurus Support
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    No problem @wervil. I think I didn’t understand exactly your issue. Let me start over, please. 🙂

    First, your issue was that when you try to edit the member page, you didn’t find anything in the back end. Am I right?
    In that case, be aware that there are limitations imposed by third party plugins and as theme authors, there’s nothing we can do about those. This page is programmatically generated by BuddyPress and cannot be edited, even if selecting one of the suggested page templates. Changing the layout for these pages require creating a child theme and use custom code.

    If you wish to know more about BuddyPress templates and child themes, please read the following posts:

    Creating a Child Theme

    BuddyPress Theme Development

    Template Hierarchy

    Concerning the form: I think the form has been misconfigured. I suggest you to go to Dashboard > Users > Profile Search and edit the Search Directory form. Then, can you make sure the Target Directory and the Form Template are set up correctly, please? Please find the attached screenshot. To know more about how to edit the member search form on your members directory page, please click on the following link:

    Add new fields to directory search form

    Finally, here is some specifications:
    The Kirki plugin is an amazing customizer toolkit that we use within Grimlock to create and manage all the fields in the WP customizer. The Kirki plugin will do nothing on its own and Grimlock will not work without Kirki so both of them are required for your theme.
    In conclusion, Kirki and Grimlock give you the possibility to customize your theme.

    I’m very sorry for this inconvenience and I hope this will be much clearer.

    Let me know if you need more explanations and if this issue is solved. 🙂

    Kind regards,

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    Great! that fixed it, the search now pops up and the button for that is visible, from changing the form template setting. Phew what a relief I didnt have to fuss with importing and what not. Resolved it is. Thank you!

    Themosaurus Support
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    I’m glad we were able to help you @wervil! 🙂

    Have a nice day.


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