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This Kirki plugin is gone

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  • Eat News
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    We had an unexpected problem with our website ( when we updated the plugin yesterday. The whole site, including the backend, is not working. The website displays only one paragraph: There has been a critical error on this website.

    Today, WordPress sent me a letter that reads as follows:

    Since WordPress 5.2 there is a built-in feature that detects when a plugin or theme causes a fatal error on your site, and notifies you with this automated email.
    In this case, WordPress caught an error with one of your plugins, Grimlock for BuddyPress.
    Please contact your host for assistance with investigating this issue further.
    If your site appears broken and you can’t access your dashboard normally, WordPress now has a special “recovery mode”. This lets you safely login to your dashboard and investigate further.
    When seeking help with this issue, you may be asked for some of the following information:
    WordPress version 5.7.2
    Current theme: Gorgo (version 2.0.4)
    Current plugin: Grimlock for BuddyPress (version 1.3.19)
    PHP version 7.3.12

    So I went into recovery mode and stopped Grimlock for BuddyPress from working. And I can’t start the plugin, because as soon as I do, the site will be down again.

    The error problem displayed on the plug-in is as follows (reference photos):

    An error of type E_ERROR was caused in line 33 of the file/var/www/wp-content/plugins/grimlock-buddypress/inc/buddypress-global-search/customizer/class-grimlock-buddypress-buddypress-global-search-search-customizer.php .Error message: Uncaught Error: Class ‘Kirki’ not found in/var/www/wp-content/plugins/grimlock-buddypress/inc/buddypress-global-search/customizer/class-grimlock-buddypress-buddypress-global-search-search-customizer.php:33 Stack trace:#/var/www/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(292) : Grimlock_BuddyPress_BuddyPress_Global_Search_Search_Customizer->remove_customizer_fieds(1/var/www/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(316): WP_Hook->apply_filters(NULL, Array)#2 /var/www/wp-includes/plugin.php(484) : WP_Hook->do_action(Array)#3/var/www/wp-settings.php(538) :do_action(‘after_setup_the…’)#4/var/www/wp-config.php(98): require_once(‘/var/www/wp-set… ‘)#5/var/www/wp-1oad.php(37): require_once(‘/var/www/wp-con…’)#6 /var/www/wp-login.php(12):require(‘/var/www/wp-loa…’) #7 (main) throw

    Because of the lack of Kirki Customizer Framework plugin, I tried to add this plugin, but the system told me (reference photos) : Installation failed: Destination folder already exists.

    I don’t see that plugin at all in the installed plugins.

    This has caused our website to change its appearance and many functions have disappeared. What can we do to solve this problem?

    Themosaurus Support
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    Because of the lack of Kirki Customizer Framework plugin, I tried to add this plugin, but the system told me (reference photos) : Installation failed: Destination folder already exists.

    Hi @eatnews,

    For a very strange reason, we’ve experienced the same issue with the recent WP version, with other plugins that aren’t mentioned here or related to ours. We solved it by manually removing the target folder and reinstalling the plugins through the dashboard.

    In you case, we recommend that you first deactivate Grimlock for BuddyPress. Next, please go to your FTP client and manually erase Kirki, it can be found here YOUR-DOMAIN/wp-content/plugins/kirki. Then, go to your WP admin, install and activate Kirki, and then reactivate Grimlock for BuddyPress.

    This has solved this issue for us, we hope it will for you.

    Please keep us updated.

    Thank you.

    Eat News
    • 1 Topics
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    We are using Godaddy to purchase WordPress hosting service, how should I use FTP client?

    Eat News
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    I have successfully restored the design of the site, thank you very much!

    Themosaurus Support
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    Hi Eat News,

    I’m glad to read that you’ve been able to solve this!


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